We have just celebrated Christmas Day. But we are still in the Advent season! I came across this video that gives us a picture of what it would be like if Mary & Joseph were living in our days of social networking! Please enjoy the video and rejoice for the Son has come.
December 28, 2010
December 21, 2010
A Time for Giving and Forgiving
Christmas is a time for giving and forgiving. It is reported that in USA the total sales for the Christmas season constitute a quarter of the year's total sales! It is big money and big headache for those buying! I was reminded today in a news article that there are many things that we can give, not only during the Christmas season but everyday of our lives.
You can actually start creating your own list of giving for Christmas and the New Year and it may include: give your time to a worthy cause; give your hand to the needy; give a call to the lonely; give a word of encouragement to the discouraged; give a cup of water to the thirsty; give your forgiveness to the one who hurt you, and the list goes on.
Don’t just make a list but put in the names (if you know them) of real people that you see or know as you live each day. Not everything you give will require money. Lastly, give others an opportunity to give back to you too!
Blessed Christmas!
Ps. Ben
You can actually start creating your own list of giving for Christmas and the New Year and it may include: give your time to a worthy cause; give your hand to the needy; give a call to the lonely; give a word of encouragement to the discouraged; give a cup of water to the thirsty; give your forgiveness to the one who hurt you, and the list goes on.
Don’t just make a list but put in the names (if you know them) of real people that you see or know as you live each day. Not everything you give will require money. Lastly, give others an opportunity to give back to you too!
Blessed Christmas!
Ps. Ben
December 3, 2010
A Brave Testimony
The most persecuted Christians are found in North Korea. Yet their faith remain as strong as ever. There is something about suffering that helps build a strong faith. Listen to the testimony of this 18-year old girl who came from North Korea as she shared to the audience at the recent Lausanne Congress on World Evangelisation in Cape Town. May your faith be challenged as well.
November 11, 2010
Our Lady VIPs!
On October 30 we arrived at another milestone in the life of the church. The ladies had their first Ladies Fellowship after a long time! Present at this meeting was an old friend, Betty Rode, who spoke about "Your Foundation", with two of her Sri Lankan friends, who shared a testimony.
It is our hope that this fellowship will be a place where hearts and lives can be ministered and refreshed by God's Word and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. May this beginning be followed by many days of rich blessings flowing from the Lord in making this fellowship an oasis for all who come.
Ps Ben
It is our hope that this fellowship will be a place where hearts and lives can be ministered and refreshed by God's Word and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. May this beginning be followed by many days of rich blessings flowing from the Lord in making this fellowship an oasis for all who come.
Ps Ben
November 2, 2010
Prayer is a spiritual discipline that should be our constant habit. We are called to pray unceasingly (1 Thess. 5:17) Prayer can be done anywhere and anytime whether silently in our hearts or said aloud. The Lord Jesus prayed a lot and even taught His disciples how to pray. Here is a picture that I took recently to remind us of this important activity.
We really need to
P - ersist
R - epent in humility
A - sk in faith
Y - ield ourselves to His will
May our prayers be like incense that goes up to the throne room of God!
Ps. Ben
We really need to
P - ersist
R - epent in humility
A - sk in faith
Y - ield ourselves to His will
May our prayers be like incense that goes up to the throne room of God!
Ps. Ben
October 22, 2010
Acts of Kindness
Have you ever experienced a stranger doing a random act of kindness? Last Sunday at my favourite bakery a stranger I had a short conversation with just offered her discount card to me to use it to pay for my purchase. I did not ask her nor influenced her in any way that I know of but she just offered it to me. The savings was only 50 sen but it certainly left me surprised and impressed! I can't help but think what our world would be like if more people continue to do random acts of kindness to strangers. People that will never be able to repay you back or you will ever meet again.
On Monday I read in the newspapers of more stories of how some people show kindness to strangers without expecting anything in return. Wow! As Christians, are we not called to be kind? Is kindness not a part of our new nature in Christ (fruit of the Spirit)? Are acts of kindness not a reflection of God's image in us, which ultimately reflects who God is? Who knows that we may very well be ministering to angels unaware?
Have you experienced a random act of kindness? No? Don't wait for one! Why don't you do an act of kindness to some stranger? Think of ways to bless someone who least expects or deserves it. Let your light so shine before men!
Ps Ben
On Monday I read in the newspapers of more stories of how some people show kindness to strangers without expecting anything in return. Wow! As Christians, are we not called to be kind? Is kindness not a part of our new nature in Christ (fruit of the Spirit)? Are acts of kindness not a reflection of God's image in us, which ultimately reflects who God is? Who knows that we may very well be ministering to angels unaware?
Have you experienced a random act of kindness? No? Don't wait for one! Why don't you do an act of kindness to some stranger? Think of ways to bless someone who least expects or deserves it. Let your light so shine before men!
Ps Ben
October 19, 2010
But I Did Not
Last month I organised a dinner with some old friends from Grace EFC and wanted to invite a couple that had joined us for our Bible Study despite attending another church. We had a great time of fellowship in the past but over the years it became less and less frequent. Last Sunday I heard that the husband had passed away the previous week. I should have invited him but I did not. Why should I really be surprised by death? It is an appointment that we must all keep unless Christ returns first. But I always seem to think that my friends will always be around! Surprise, surprise! Death comes when we least expect it. One can never be fully prepared for it in life. I don't like death and the surprise it brings. It makes me feel so helpless.
The last time I met this brother was last year at a church service where he served faithfully as a greeter. I will miss him. But I hope to see him at the Resurrection Day! That's my consolation. Thanks be to Christ who is the hope of our salvation! There are yet others who have not heard about this gift that I need to tell. I don't want to say again, "But I did not"
Ps. Ben
The last time I met this brother was last year at a church service where he served faithfully as a greeter. I will miss him. But I hope to see him at the Resurrection Day! That's my consolation. Thanks be to Christ who is the hope of our salvation! There are yet others who have not heard about this gift that I need to tell. I don't want to say again, "But I did not"
Ps. Ben
A Different Life
In his eulogy for his wife of 63 years, former PM of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, said that without his wife, he would be a different man with a different life. What a tribute to a woman whom he loved and had shared his life with. A woman who devoted her life for husband and family. I wonder what our lives would be like without the significant partners, family and friends who made a difference in our lives? What would your life be like without your spouse? It is only in times of final separation that we feel the heaviness of heart, one filled with sorrow and grief that is difficult to console. Love them now.
If this is true in the physical realm, what then would life be without Christ? It would be a different life. We would be a different person. A life without Christ would only be a life filled with emptiness and hopelessness. Such a life would be difficult to console. I dare not imagine of such a life. I can only thank God that by His grace He has called me to a different life. A life devoted to Christ and His family. A blessed life.
Ps Ben
If this is true in the physical realm, what then would life be without Christ? It would be a different life. We would be a different person. A life without Christ would only be a life filled with emptiness and hopelessness. Such a life would be difficult to console. I dare not imagine of such a life. I can only thank God that by His grace He has called me to a different life. A life devoted to Christ and His family. A blessed life.
Ps Ben
September 22, 2010
Save One Life
Recently I read a story about the life of Nicholas Winton. I have not heard about him before until now. It all started when he was invited by a friend to Czechoslavakia to visit some refugee camps instead of going for his ski holidays. It was 1938 when Hitler was annexing regions in Europe and Jews and political opponents were fleeing. One result of this was the neglect of children especially from Jewish ancestry. As a result of this visit he decided to mount operations to rescue these children who were given permission by parents that were prepared to release their children to him for a better future. Upon his return to England, he managed to convince the government, found foster homes and raised funds to transport these children. He did all these whilst managing his day time job in the stock exchange. In total, he brought in at least 669 children. The rescue attempts finally stopped in Sept 1939 when Germany invaded Poland and Britain declared war on Germany. Winton's humanitarian act was a secret, even to his wife until 1988, when she found a scrapbook with all the names and photos of the children. Several thousand children, grandchildren and great grandchildren owe their very existence to this brave man.
In 2002, a documentary entitled "The Power of Good: Nicholas Winton" was produced and shown on Czech TV. Winton was honored later by the president of Israel, the citizens of Prague and eventually knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. A ring that was given to him by some of the children, that he wears, best summed up his act: "Save one life. Save the world." (Talmud, the book of Jewish law)
God changes the world with people like you! You may not save 669 lives but you have lives of people that you influence daily (like your children). Perhaps one of these could become a Winton that will save many others for eternity! You may think that you are just an ordinary person. But in the hands of the extraordinary God, you are someone special that can make the difference to bring extraordinary blessing into the world. Amen!
Ps. Ben
In 2002, a documentary entitled "The Power of Good: Nicholas Winton" was produced and shown on Czech TV. Winton was honored later by the president of Israel, the citizens of Prague and eventually knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. A ring that was given to him by some of the children, that he wears, best summed up his act: "Save one life. Save the world." (Talmud, the book of Jewish law)
God changes the world with people like you! You may not save 669 lives but you have lives of people that you influence daily (like your children). Perhaps one of these could become a Winton that will save many others for eternity! You may think that you are just an ordinary person. But in the hands of the extraordinary God, you are someone special that can make the difference to bring extraordinary blessing into the world. Amen!
Ps. Ben
September 21, 2010
What Do You See?
At a recent prayer meeting in Sarawak, a photograph was taken by Pastor Lam Kee Hing at sunset that shows the outline of something. Let me know what you see in this photo. Is there any significance of this display in the heavens that was related to their prayers of God's people?
"Maranatha" is the Aramaic expression for "Come, O Lord" (1 Cor. 16:22; Rev. 22:20) It is an expression used as a prayer in the early church that anticipates the coming of the Lord Jesus. In the Corinthian context, there is a warning of judgement for those who do not love Jesus. In fact there is a curse pronounced. When the Lord returns, judgement is certain and those who do not love Him will definitely not be spending eternity with Him! For those who love Jesus we can pray this prayer as it will be a joyful reunion.
In an interview recently, the former PM (now Minister Mentor) of Singapore shared that he meditates each night for 20 minutes using the word "Ma-Ra-Na-Tha" as a mantra to calm himself down to sleep! He is not a Christian but was taught these words by a Christian. He is aware of the meaning although he is not a believer. He says he finds the sound soothing! Meditating on some mantras may seem to bring about temporary relieve for some, but true peace can only come from knowing the Prince of Peace. We can only pray that God will reveal Himself to this man who just celebrated his 87th birthday (16 Sept) It's not too late to repent until we breathed our last breath or when the Lord returns! May the grace of God be upon us all who long for our Lord's return!
Yes, Maranatha!
Ps. Ben
In an interview recently, the former PM (now Minister Mentor) of Singapore shared that he meditates each night for 20 minutes using the word "Ma-Ra-Na-Tha" as a mantra to calm himself down to sleep! He is not a Christian but was taught these words by a Christian. He is aware of the meaning although he is not a believer. He says he finds the sound soothing! Meditating on some mantras may seem to bring about temporary relieve for some, but true peace can only come from knowing the Prince of Peace. We can only pray that God will reveal Himself to this man who just celebrated his 87th birthday (16 Sept) It's not too late to repent until we breathed our last breath or when the Lord returns! May the grace of God be upon us all who long for our Lord's return!
Yes, Maranatha!
Ps. Ben
August 30, 2010
Merdeka! Merdeka!
I came across an article in a local newspaper about the heroes of our nation's independence. There were the photographs of men and women of different races and religion who served our nation and most have passed on. Most of the names of these people I have not even come across but they were remembered for their sacrifices! After 53 years of Merdeka many of us don't even know or remember them and many other nameless heroes who helped built this country to where it is today, including the migrant workers. And today we are struggling with our identities whether we are first Malaysians or our racial origin. Whilst our world has become increasingly globalised - economically, socially and politically, there are some who are trying to build walls to not only prevent the outside world from getting in, but also to divide people from within! How foolish we have become when we conveniently choose to quickly forget our past and those who have gone on to sacrifice their lives for our sakes. There are bigger issues at hand to battle together but we have chosen the ones that in the long term are relatively unimportant! We are indeed like lost sheep that desperately needs to find a shepherd!
The Bible keeps on reminding us to remember and not have selective memories to do what is convenient and appealing to our interests. There are important things that we must never forget. Like the Sabbath, the commands, the Lord, Lot's wife, others in prayer and many others. Even the celebration of the Lord's Supper is a call of remembrance of God's love and sacrifice. There are many others who have given up their lives for the gospel - nameless to us but remembered by God. We are beneficiaries of their sacrifices. So let us remain focused and finish our race well. Then we can really shout "Merdeka! Merdeka! Salvation belongs to the Lord!"
Ps. Ben
The Bible keeps on reminding us to remember and not have selective memories to do what is convenient and appealing to our interests. There are important things that we must never forget. Like the Sabbath, the commands, the Lord, Lot's wife, others in prayer and many others. Even the celebration of the Lord's Supper is a call of remembrance of God's love and sacrifice. There are many others who have given up their lives for the gospel - nameless to us but remembered by God. We are beneficiaries of their sacrifices. So let us remain focused and finish our race well. Then we can really shout "Merdeka! Merdeka! Salvation belongs to the Lord!"
Ps. Ben
August 21, 2010
Life Consuming Passion
Today we are spoiled for choice in the selection of English translated Bibles. There are just so many types and in different forms to cater to the different age groups. I am sure that you have more than one translation or copy with you! It is no wonder then that the Bible is the best seller of all time! Once upon a time, it was a crime to have any translation of the Bible apart from Latin. Only the clergy could read it and explain it to the people. Reason? The man in the street was without proper training to interpret it correctly. They were too much in the business of the world and could not be trusted with it. The Bible was the property of the church and could only be read at public services.
But one man was instrumental to bring about a revolution. His name was William Tyndale, the father of the English Reformation. Tyndale's one life consuming passion was to see the Bible being translated into English. During his time the only Bible available was in Greek or Latin, which was certainly not accessible to the ordinary folks who used English, the language of the peasants. His request for the translation of the New Testament (NT) was turned down by the church authorities in England. He then had to escape to Germany, where he completed his translation of the NT from the Greek. In 1526, he printed several thousand copies of the NT and smuggled it into England. Many of these copies were confiscated and burned. The price for possession of it was death!
Tyndale was condemned by the English church authorities as a heretic and had to be on the run from the law for several years. He spent most of his time translating the Old Testament and living in poverty. Eventually he was betrayed by a friend, imprisoned and eventually executed. Even in prison, he led such an exemplary life that his jailer and some of his family members were converted (just like the jailer at Philippi) As he was about to be hanged and burned, he cried with a loud voice, "Lord, open the King of England's eyes!" Less than a year later in August 1537, King Henry VIII gave permission to publish what was to be known as the Matthew's Bible. Though this translation contained 90 percent of Tyndale's work, his name was never mentioned in the version. But most of it still lives on today in the 1611 King James Authorised Version.
The invention of the printing press was a revolution. It enabled the English version of the Bible to spread far and wide in a relatively short time.Now everybody can read the Bible! The effects of the printing press had on society then is just like what the Internet has on today's society. The door was opened and now cannot be shut. Now that we have Bibles easily available, what do we do with them? Do we read it and treasure it as God's Word just as Tyndale had passionately gone all out to fulfill his life consuming passion? There are some places still in the world that possession of a copy of Scripture is a crime or the import of it has been disallowed by the authorities (like our own nation for the BM version). Keep what you possess not by having more copies but using it on a regular basis. Eat it like honey and bread to give you nourishment and life.
Ps Ben
But one man was instrumental to bring about a revolution. His name was William Tyndale, the father of the English Reformation. Tyndale's one life consuming passion was to see the Bible being translated into English. During his time the only Bible available was in Greek or Latin, which was certainly not accessible to the ordinary folks who used English, the language of the peasants. His request for the translation of the New Testament (NT) was turned down by the church authorities in England. He then had to escape to Germany, where he completed his translation of the NT from the Greek. In 1526, he printed several thousand copies of the NT and smuggled it into England. Many of these copies were confiscated and burned. The price for possession of it was death!
Tyndale was condemned by the English church authorities as a heretic and had to be on the run from the law for several years. He spent most of his time translating the Old Testament and living in poverty. Eventually he was betrayed by a friend, imprisoned and eventually executed. Even in prison, he led such an exemplary life that his jailer and some of his family members were converted (just like the jailer at Philippi) As he was about to be hanged and burned, he cried with a loud voice, "Lord, open the King of England's eyes!" Less than a year later in August 1537, King Henry VIII gave permission to publish what was to be known as the Matthew's Bible. Though this translation contained 90 percent of Tyndale's work, his name was never mentioned in the version. But most of it still lives on today in the 1611 King James Authorised Version.
The invention of the printing press was a revolution. It enabled the English version of the Bible to spread far and wide in a relatively short time.Now everybody can read the Bible! The effects of the printing press had on society then is just like what the Internet has on today's society. The door was opened and now cannot be shut. Now that we have Bibles easily available, what do we do with them? Do we read it and treasure it as God's Word just as Tyndale had passionately gone all out to fulfill his life consuming passion? There are some places still in the world that possession of a copy of Scripture is a crime or the import of it has been disallowed by the authorities (like our own nation for the BM version). Keep what you possess not by having more copies but using it on a regular basis. Eat it like honey and bread to give you nourishment and life.
Ps Ben
August 10, 2010
Lunch with David & Sharon
Recently David and Sharon returned for a visit and here is a picture (courtesy of D&S) of a group of us after our lunch together. Thanks for your fellowship and may God bless both of you and we hope to see you again next year!
August 6, 2010
A Time to Pray
This Sunday (Aug 8) is the start of the NECF 40-Day Fast and Prayer. It is a good time to really pray for our nation. The theme for this year is "Uniting the Generations" and also marks the 10th anniversary of this event. For the first time, the fast will end on Sept 16, which is Malaysia Day (first time it is a national public holiday) This is also the Ramadan season. We are praying for our nation Malaysia to be united.
If you have not thought of what to do and need help, then get hold of the prayer guide. The electronic copy (adult and kids version and in different languages) is available at the NECF website at http://www.necf.org.my for your download. It is also available on Facebook. The prayer guide is informative as well as useful to help you pray for each day. If the Lord leads you to fast, do so. There's always a first time. Let us prepare our hearts to be in a prayerful mode.
May the Lord teach us all to pray.
Ps Ben
If you have not thought of what to do and need help, then get hold of the prayer guide. The electronic copy (adult and kids version and in different languages) is available at the NECF website at http://www.necf.org.my for your download. It is also available on Facebook. The prayer guide is informative as well as useful to help you pray for each day. If the Lord leads you to fast, do so. There's always a first time. Let us prepare our hearts to be in a prayerful mode.
May the Lord teach us all to pray.
Ps Ben
July 27, 2010
Are You Listening?
Can we have ears and yet not hear? It sounds impossible and yet it is true. How many times have you been told that you are not listening? If you are like me then we tend to do selective listening. More than once Jesus said these words, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear.". In the parable of the Sower, the four types of ground are symbols of our ears. The seed (symbolic of the Word) was scattered onto the different ground. Some ears are like the hard path, unresponsive to the seed of God's Word. Others have ears like rocky soil that hear but does not allow the seed to take root. Yet others have ears that resemble more like thorny soil, where there was too much competition to give the seed a chance to grow. And then there are the ears that really hear God's voice, those that landed on good soil.
Notice that in all four cases the sower (messenger) and the seed (message) are both the same. The only difference is the listener. They just did not listen to the voice of God. We all have ears and yet can respond differently to the Word of God. It can be due to hardened hearts, or a shallow lives or even minds too distracted by the anxieties and pleasures of life. The truth is that the majority of people are missing the message. The Bible places great importance in hearing God's voice. The laws of God through Moses starts with "Hear, O Israel" (Deut. 6:4). The sheep of Jesus hears His voice (John 10:3-5) and "Faith comes from hearing the message" (Romans 10:17)
What then do you do when God throws seed in your way? How well do you hear? Are you hard of hearing? Don't be like the majority who have ears but do not listen. Take time to read the Bible and pray regularly. Find a place - your private space without any distractions. Allow the Word to speak to you. Write it down. Have an open heart to hear and an obedient heart to do what it says. Don't be surprised then to hear things you have never heard before! Share with others (or us) what you have learned.
Ps. Ben
Notice that in all four cases the sower (messenger) and the seed (message) are both the same. The only difference is the listener. They just did not listen to the voice of God. We all have ears and yet can respond differently to the Word of God. It can be due to hardened hearts, or a shallow lives or even minds too distracted by the anxieties and pleasures of life. The truth is that the majority of people are missing the message. The Bible places great importance in hearing God's voice. The laws of God through Moses starts with "Hear, O Israel" (Deut. 6:4). The sheep of Jesus hears His voice (John 10:3-5) and "Faith comes from hearing the message" (Romans 10:17)
What then do you do when God throws seed in your way? How well do you hear? Are you hard of hearing? Don't be like the majority who have ears but do not listen. Take time to read the Bible and pray regularly. Find a place - your private space without any distractions. Allow the Word to speak to you. Write it down. Have an open heart to hear and an obedient heart to do what it says. Don't be surprised then to hear things you have never heard before! Share with others (or us) what you have learned.
Ps. Ben
July 21, 2010
The Temple
Last Sunday the preacher mentioned something that I had not seen before about the temple imagery that Paul used for the three different problems in the church at Corinth. First it was in relation to the divisions in the church (1 Cor. 3:16-17). Then he used it on the problem of sexual immorality (1 Cor. 6:12-20) Finally he used it to talk about being unequally yoked with unbelievers (2 Cor. 6:14-7:1)
Like the temples of Corinth, there is only one god that is worshiped for each temple. There is no co-existence with other gods. For the Christian the Lord is our God. He comes to dwell in the believer's body and the Church is the body of Christ. What we do with our bodies then is important. There is no separation between what is spiritual and physical, just as God is one.
So let us honour God with our bodies and not allow anything that will divide, compromise or defile it.
Ps. Ben
Like the temples of Corinth, there is only one god that is worshiped for each temple. There is no co-existence with other gods. For the Christian the Lord is our God. He comes to dwell in the believer's body and the Church is the body of Christ. What we do with our bodies then is important. There is no separation between what is spiritual and physical, just as God is one.
So let us honour God with our bodies and not allow anything that will divide, compromise or defile it.
Ps. Ben
July 20, 2010
During the conference that I attended recently, the main speaker, a Christian psychiatrist with 50 years of experience shared on the topic of depression. He shared on the different types of depression and the signs & symptoms, causes and treatment. Some people think that Christians don't get or should not get depression. We need to rejoice and be victorious. But the truth of the matter is that it happens. It can be caused by life events, genetics, physical, upbringing, social expectations, culture, job and ambitions. Sometimes we don't even know we are in it or recover from it without realising it. Some examples of Bible characters who suffered depression include Elijah and Jonah.
The speaker shared that if one were to face 2-3 major losses or changes within a 2 year period, a person could be susceptible to depression. They just find that they cannot cope with the changes happening all at once. We need to recognise the symptoms early and take precaution. Things like a change in sleeping pattern, inability to concentrate or cope, and irritability are just some signs to look out.
One of the things that I noticed from the various sharing by others was how our upbringing can affect us as adults. The unreasonable expectations and lack of affirmation by our parents had caused many to grow up with guilty feelings and shame of never being good enough. As adults we continue to seek the approval of people and things to show that we are successful. We look for someone or something to fill the emptiness within. When we fail or do not receive the affirmation then our world collapses and we feel like failures. Ask yourself - Why are you doing what you are doing? Is it to please others, yourself or God? What is driving you? Is it your guilt, duty or shame that is driving you to succeed?
As Christians, we need to remember that God loves us for who we are and not what we can do for Him. How do we know that? Well, He loved us first before we loved Him! Jesus was the proof of that love. There is nothing that we can ever do that will make Him love us more. His grace is sufficient! Do you know that love our Father shows?
Let's take heed and have the right attitude to serve and live. Develope coping skills and don't be afraid to ask for help or be sensitive to those around us.
Ps. Ben
The speaker shared that if one were to face 2-3 major losses or changes within a 2 year period, a person could be susceptible to depression. They just find that they cannot cope with the changes happening all at once. We need to recognise the symptoms early and take precaution. Things like a change in sleeping pattern, inability to concentrate or cope, and irritability are just some signs to look out.
One of the things that I noticed from the various sharing by others was how our upbringing can affect us as adults. The unreasonable expectations and lack of affirmation by our parents had caused many to grow up with guilty feelings and shame of never being good enough. As adults we continue to seek the approval of people and things to show that we are successful. We look for someone or something to fill the emptiness within. When we fail or do not receive the affirmation then our world collapses and we feel like failures. Ask yourself - Why are you doing what you are doing? Is it to please others, yourself or God? What is driving you? Is it your guilt, duty or shame that is driving you to succeed?
As Christians, we need to remember that God loves us for who we are and not what we can do for Him. How do we know that? Well, He loved us first before we loved Him! Jesus was the proof of that love. There is nothing that we can ever do that will make Him love us more. His grace is sufficient! Do you know that love our Father shows?
Let's take heed and have the right attitude to serve and live. Develope coping skills and don't be afraid to ask for help or be sensitive to those around us.
Ps. Ben
July 11, 2010
Baptism Service July 2010
Today we had our baptism service at Household of Faith. This place is so convenient and the right size for our use. Also this is the first time that I am conducting it indoors. It's a different feeling. But praise the Lord that everything went well. I taught that the candidates carried themselves commendably! Well I am looking forward to having more baptisms in the near future. Already I have had two potential enquiries. May this event encourage us to step up our faith and attempt to do greater things for the Lord.
June 23, 2010
The Power of God's Word
During the camp we had two plenary sessions where the speaker Jason Fong shared to us regarding the power of God's Word and it's impact in our lives as Christians. Here is a summary of the main points to help you remember and apply:
1) God's Word Sustains Our Spiritual Growth (1 Peter 2:2)
- it is milk, meat, honey & bread
2) God's Word Sanctifies (John 17:17)
- makes us clean and renews our minds
3) God's Word Strengthens Our Faith in Him (Rom. 10:47)
- only way to receive faith is through His Word
4) God's Word Provides Guidance in Our Lives (Psalm 119:105)
- helps us to know God's ways and acts
5) God's Word Gives Us Victory Over the Devil (2 Cor. 10:4)
- helps us to focus on things that we cannot see (the spiritual & eternal)
6) God's Word Reveals to Us Our True Condition (James 1:22)
- it is like a mirror that shows us what we are really like without any compromise
If you want reasons why we should hear, read, study, memorise & meditate Scriptures, then the above six reasons should give be more than enough! I am glad to see some of you taking this seriously. Continue to do so and I can assure you that the blessings you reap will be greater than you dare imagine! Try it and let God's Word do what God has intended it to do! Remember the Word will not return to Him empty but will accomplish what He desires and purposed (Isaiah 55:11) If you have found any of the point(s) true in your life, share with the rest of us.
May God bless the daily reading of His Word in your life. Amen!
Ps. Ben
1) God's Word Sustains Our Spiritual Growth (1 Peter 2:2)
- it is milk, meat, honey & bread
2) God's Word Sanctifies (John 17:17)
- makes us clean and renews our minds
3) God's Word Strengthens Our Faith in Him (Rom. 10:47)
- only way to receive faith is through His Word
4) God's Word Provides Guidance in Our Lives (Psalm 119:105)
- helps us to know God's ways and acts
5) God's Word Gives Us Victory Over the Devil (2 Cor. 10:4)
- helps us to focus on things that we cannot see (the spiritual & eternal)
6) God's Word Reveals to Us Our True Condition (James 1:22)
- it is like a mirror that shows us what we are really like without any compromise
If you want reasons why we should hear, read, study, memorise & meditate Scriptures, then the above six reasons should give be more than enough! I am glad to see some of you taking this seriously. Continue to do so and I can assure you that the blessings you reap will be greater than you dare imagine! Try it and let God's Word do what God has intended it to do! Remember the Word will not return to Him empty but will accomplish what He desires and purposed (Isaiah 55:11) If you have found any of the point(s) true in your life, share with the rest of us.
May God bless the daily reading of His Word in your life. Amen!
Ps. Ben
June 18, 2010
Church Camp 2010 Theme Song
During the camp we had our very first theme song composed just for this camp. Just enjoy the song as we sang it for the first time on the first day of the camp! Thanks to Lee Meng and friends (who shall remain anonymous!) for helping us start a new chapter! They lyrics are here below:
The Power of God's Word
When I am lost in my way, O Lord,
I cry and I pray to You.
Just longing for Your touch.
Come to me, Father, draw me close to You.
O Word of God, come speak to me.
Give me strength and hope within.
Let Your word be a lamp to my feet,
And a light to my path.
The Power of God's Word
When I am lost in my way, O Lord,
I cry and I pray to You.
Just longing for Your touch.
Come to me, Father, draw me close to You.
O Word of God, come speak to me.
Give me strength and hope within.
Let Your word be a lamp to my feet,
And a light to my path.
June 13, 2010
Church Camp 2010
Thank you all who helped make this year's camp a success with your presence and support. We had a great time and loads of fun didn't we? My wish and regret (if there is any) is that more people could have come and receive the blessings. But for those who came, remember that God's Word will not return to Him empty. May it accomplish God's purposes in your life as you engage it and apply it faithfully. If you had been touched and refreshed, share with us some of your thoughts and experiences that can bless each other. Here is a picture to remember!
June 8, 2010
Accountable to Whom?
To whom are we accountable to in our lives? Some people say that they are not accountable to anyone and they live their life anyway they like. It's my life, they claim! What about in the church? If someone has committed a sin, is the person accountable to anyone? Will there be some form of disciplinary action? Or do we just let it go and gossip about it. The Corinthian church (1 Cor. 5) had a brother who was having an incestuous relationship with his father's wife (stepmother). What was the church's response? They were proud of it! (5:2) How could they be proud of such a relationship and boast about something that does not even occur in the permissive society they were in? The church seemed to be even more broad minded and inclusive than the world! Something must be really wrong when a church comes to such a state of affairs when she is following the world's values instead of living the truths of God.
When the sermon was preached last Sunday, I just couldn't help but think how the spirit of the Corinthian church is still prevalent today. For example the church is divided over the homosexual issue. Some churches says it's alright and have leaders who openly confess their gay lifestyle and the church says its okay! In the name of being inclusive we have compromised the standards of God. In calling for disciplinary action, was Paul being too harsh or judgemental? Does Scripture not tell us "not to judge"? Obviously not! Paul was making a judgement call because the sin committed was obvious. To walk in the light was to walk in truth. The passage on "do not judge" in Matthew 7:1-5 talks about not being a hypocrite in trying to find fault with others when we do not see our own (bigger) sin.
The points in the sermon about the need for accountability addresses why judgement or discipline was needed. First, sin is deadly. Sin destroys - it kills our spirit, destroys our integrity, witness, reputation and family. Second, people need to live right. We are not sinless. But if we do sin then we need to repent and be restored. The goal of discipline is restoration and not punitive. Third, the church is polluted by sin. The witness and harmony of the church will be affected by sin. When people outside the church see in the church behaving the same as the world, then what is the difference? Why do they need to come to the church? There must be a difference in believing and following Jesus. Truth and sincerity must be present. Finally, people need the Lord. We all need God. The people of God need to be accountable so that they reflect the truth and life of Christ. We are witnesses. This is the greatest reason for being accountable. Judgement starts from within the church. Let God judge the world. If the church is the Bride of Christ then she must reflect the character and nature of her husband because He is looking for one that is holy and blameless (Eph 5:27)
Whether we like it or not, we are accountable to one another. We are not alone! God has placed us in a local church for a reason. But if we keep on hiding, resisting and running away (e.g. to another church) how can we deal with the problem of our sins and be restored? How can we be more Christ like? Christ loves His church and He will do whatever it takes to present her as pure and blameless. Come, Lord Jesus and purify us to become more like you. Let us not hide when Your light shines on our sins. Save us and restore us for we need Your healing!
Ps. Ben
When the sermon was preached last Sunday, I just couldn't help but think how the spirit of the Corinthian church is still prevalent today. For example the church is divided over the homosexual issue. Some churches says it's alright and have leaders who openly confess their gay lifestyle and the church says its okay! In the name of being inclusive we have compromised the standards of God. In calling for disciplinary action, was Paul being too harsh or judgemental? Does Scripture not tell us "not to judge"? Obviously not! Paul was making a judgement call because the sin committed was obvious. To walk in the light was to walk in truth. The passage on "do not judge" in Matthew 7:1-5 talks about not being a hypocrite in trying to find fault with others when we do not see our own (bigger) sin.
The points in the sermon about the need for accountability addresses why judgement or discipline was needed. First, sin is deadly. Sin destroys - it kills our spirit, destroys our integrity, witness, reputation and family. Second, people need to live right. We are not sinless. But if we do sin then we need to repent and be restored. The goal of discipline is restoration and not punitive. Third, the church is polluted by sin. The witness and harmony of the church will be affected by sin. When people outside the church see in the church behaving the same as the world, then what is the difference? Why do they need to come to the church? There must be a difference in believing and following Jesus. Truth and sincerity must be present. Finally, people need the Lord. We all need God. The people of God need to be accountable so that they reflect the truth and life of Christ. We are witnesses. This is the greatest reason for being accountable. Judgement starts from within the church. Let God judge the world. If the church is the Bride of Christ then she must reflect the character and nature of her husband because He is looking for one that is holy and blameless (Eph 5:27)
Whether we like it or not, we are accountable to one another. We are not alone! God has placed us in a local church for a reason. But if we keep on hiding, resisting and running away (e.g. to another church) how can we deal with the problem of our sins and be restored? How can we be more Christ like? Christ loves His church and He will do whatever it takes to present her as pure and blameless. Come, Lord Jesus and purify us to become more like you. Let us not hide when Your light shines on our sins. Save us and restore us for we need Your healing!
Ps. Ben
June 2, 2010
Sharing Christ's Love Visually
There are many tools or methods to share the Gospel. Some of them require us to remember a number of Bible verses or draw illustrations that is a challenge for some of us! I came across this tool that requires you to just remember one verse and a simpler illustration. You can now focus on just sharing the love of Jesus with simplicity and clarity. Try it and let me know if it helps you to share with confidence. Read below:
One-Verse Evangelism® is a simple, interactive way to share Christ’s love conversationally and visually. It is based on asking questions and sharing. It’s easy to learn because it uses just one verse. It’s also sensitive to peoples’ busy schedules because it can be shared in just 10 or 15 minutes.
How does it work? Let’s say God’s leading you to share the Gospel with your neighbor. Write out Romans 6:23 on a piece of paper or a napkin: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Then put your Bible away. Ask your neighbor if he would like to see a simple picture based on this verse that will explain God’s relationship with people.
Underline the word “wages” and ask, “How would you feel if your boss refused to pay you the wages that were due to you?” Deep down, we all know that it is only right that we get what we deserve. Similarly, we earn wages from God for how we have lived our lives.
Underline “sin,” asking your friend what he thinks when he hears this word. You might explain that sin is more an attitude than an action. It can be either actively fighting God or merely excluding Him from our lives. You can ask, “Has God ever seemed far away?” If he says “Yes,” add that that’s one of the things sin does. It makes God seem far away. Now draw two opposing cliffs with a gap in between.
Underline the word “death” and ask what thoughts come to mind. Explain that death in the Bible always means some kind of separation.
While underlining “but,” mention that it is important because it means that a sharp contrast in thought is coming. What we have just looked at is bad news; what follows is good news.
Underline the word “gift.” Ask, “If wages are what a person earns, then what is a gift?” Remind your friend that someone must purchase every gift.
Underline “God” and explain that the gift you are talking about is free. It is from God Himself. It’s so special that no one else can give it. Ask, “How do you feel when someone gives you a special gift?”
Underline “eternal life,” and then ask, “How would you define these words?” Contrast one side of the cliff, death, with the other side, eternal life. Ask, “What is the opposite of separation from God?”
Write the words “Jesus Christ” so they create a bridge between the two cliffs. Help your friend to consider that every gift has a giver, and only Jesus Christ can give the gift of eternal life.
Write “Believe” over the bridge you just drew. Explain that Jesus wants a friendship with your friend. All he has to do is admit that he is responsible for the “sin” of either fighting or excluding God from his life and believe in Jesus’ forgiveness of that sin. At this point, you can ask him if he wants a relationship with God. If he says “Yes,” invite him to pray a short prayer asking Jesus to forgive him.
Close by reminding him that this simple illustration shows what God is like: Someone who really cares about people, especially him. Invite him to read all about it in the Bible, perhaps beginning in the Gospel of John.
How does it work? Let’s say God’s leading you to share the Gospel with your neighbor. Write out Romans 6:23 on a piece of paper or a napkin: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Then put your Bible away. Ask your neighbor if he would like to see a simple picture based on this verse that will explain God’s relationship with people.
Underline the word “wages” and ask, “How would you feel if your boss refused to pay you the wages that were due to you?” Deep down, we all know that it is only right that we get what we deserve. Similarly, we earn wages from God for how we have lived our lives.
Underline “sin,” asking your friend what he thinks when he hears this word. You might explain that sin is more an attitude than an action. It can be either actively fighting God or merely excluding Him from our lives. You can ask, “Has God ever seemed far away?” If he says “Yes,” add that that’s one of the things sin does. It makes God seem far away. Now draw two opposing cliffs with a gap in between.
Underline the word “death” and ask what thoughts come to mind. Explain that death in the Bible always means some kind of separation.
While underlining “but,” mention that it is important because it means that a sharp contrast in thought is coming. What we have just looked at is bad news; what follows is good news.
Underline the word “gift.” Ask, “If wages are what a person earns, then what is a gift?” Remind your friend that someone must purchase every gift.
Underline “God” and explain that the gift you are talking about is free. It is from God Himself. It’s so special that no one else can give it. Ask, “How do you feel when someone gives you a special gift?”
Underline “eternal life,” and then ask, “How would you define these words?” Contrast one side of the cliff, death, with the other side, eternal life. Ask, “What is the opposite of separation from God?”
Write the words “Jesus Christ” so they create a bridge between the two cliffs. Help your friend to consider that every gift has a giver, and only Jesus Christ can give the gift of eternal life.
Write “Believe” over the bridge you just drew. Explain that Jesus wants a friendship with your friend. All he has to do is admit that he is responsible for the “sin” of either fighting or excluding God from his life and believe in Jesus’ forgiveness of that sin. At this point, you can ask him if he wants a relationship with God. If he says “Yes,” invite him to pray a short prayer asking Jesus to forgive him.
Close by reminding him that this simple illustration shows what God is like: Someone who really cares about people, especially him. Invite him to read all about it in the Bible, perhaps beginning in the Gospel of John.
May 31, 2010
What Makes You Angry?
In reading the book of Jonah, you will come across the prophet Jonah getting angry. What was he angry about? He was angry with God and the dead vine. God had spared His judgement on the city of Nineveh when they repented and God had sent a worm to eat up the vine that provide shade for him. He was so angry that he wanted to die! Imagine getting angry and showing your disapproval to the God who is gracious, compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. I would personally find it hard to get angry with someone like this! But had Jonah got a right to be angry with God? (4:4,9) God had saved his life earlier from drowning. But the saving of the more than 120,000 people in the city did not seem to matter to him. They were just foreigners - wicked enemies of his people. But both acts of salvation came by God's grace. Jonah deserved to die for his sin of disobedience and the Ninevites deserved judgment too. How amazing the grace of God is! Isn't this what the gospel of Jesus Christ all about? We all don't deserved it.
What makes you angry? Is your anger on something that really matters? Like the souls of people or acts of injustice. Or is it merely to blow your top in frustration and feed your prejudices and pride? The next time you get angry, stop and take a look at the grace of God in your life. Let His abounding love and mercy fill your hearts. Then you know what the power of His resurrection means in your life! It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me (Gal. 2:20)
Ps Ben
What makes you angry? Is your anger on something that really matters? Like the souls of people or acts of injustice. Or is it merely to blow your top in frustration and feed your prejudices and pride? The next time you get angry, stop and take a look at the grace of God in your life. Let His abounding love and mercy fill your hearts. Then you know what the power of His resurrection means in your life! It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me (Gal. 2:20)
Ps Ben
May 26, 2010
God is on the Throne
In the Book of Revelation one of the words that stood out in John's vision of heaven was the word "throne" (44x, most of it related to God's throne) The throne is at the centre of heaven and God is seated on the throne. In ch.4-5, surrounding the throne are the elders, living creatures, angels and every creature in heaven and on earth. The environment is filled with heavenly lights, colours, sounds and sights that is beyond human language. What do all these creatures do? They all worship the One who is on the throne. Worship brings and unites God's people. All our differences fade away in the presence of God. He alone is holy and worthy to be worshiped. God and Jesus the Lamb is worshiped. Worship is expressed in many ways - through words, songs, bodies (falling down), and laying their crowns. He is worthy to receive glory, honour, power, wealth, wisdom, strength, and praise.
God has made us for worship (comes from word: worth-ship). We only worship what is of worth. God alone is worthy. Why? He is our creator and the rest are His creation. That's why we worship Him and not the created things. We don't need to wait for heaven to really worship. It starts here and now when we give our lives to Jesus. We can honour Him with our all. As God gets the glory we receive His joy. No matter what happens in your life, God is still on the throne. He is still in control. Worthy is the Lamb!
Ps. Ben
God has made us for worship (comes from word: worth-ship). We only worship what is of worth. God alone is worthy. Why? He is our creator and the rest are His creation. That's why we worship Him and not the created things. We don't need to wait for heaven to really worship. It starts here and now when we give our lives to Jesus. We can honour Him with our all. As God gets the glory we receive His joy. No matter what happens in your life, God is still on the throne. He is still in control. Worthy is the Lamb!
Ps. Ben
May 23, 2010
What Makes You Cry?
There are many reasons why a person cries. One of them is a sad scene in a movie. I remember the time when I cried in the cinema whilst watching the movie "Jesus of Nazareth"! It was the crucifixion scene. Somehow it shook me of the cruelty of men and the extent of God's love. That was certainly not the last time I was moved over a movie! In our last CG study we read in Revelation 5:4 that John wept when he was told that there was no one worthy to break the seals and open the scroll. It must have broken his heart to hear that there was no one in all of heaven and earth who can unlock what was written on the scrolls. Jesus wept when His good friend Lazarus died. He also cried over the city of Jerusalem who did not recognised their Messiah.
What makes you cry? I hope it is more than just a weepy movie! Certainly there are more things happening in this world of ours that can really make us weep. I hope the tears are happy ones or at least it can push you to some action or decision. Maybe you have a story to share with regards to this topic?
Ps. Ben
What makes you cry? I hope it is more than just a weepy movie! Certainly there are more things happening in this world of ours that can really make us weep. I hope the tears are happy ones or at least it can push you to some action or decision. Maybe you have a story to share with regards to this topic?
Ps. Ben
May 21, 2010
10 Things We Can't Live Without
I read an article today listing out 10 things that Americans today cannot live without especially during this time of recession. People have tried cutting back almost everything from cars, appliances to cigarettes and even toilet paper! What are your 10 things that you cannot live without when times are bad? Perhaps it can tell us something about ourselves and the Americans! Are we any different? Here is their Top 10 List:
1. Portable Computers
2. High-speed Internet Access
3. Smart Phones
4. Education
5. Movies
6. TV
7. Music Downloads
8. Pets
9. Alcoholic Drinks
10. Coffee
1. Portable Computers
2. High-speed Internet Access
3. Smart Phones
4. Education
5. Movies
6. TV
7. Music Downloads
8. Pets
9. Alcoholic Drinks
10. Coffee
May 18, 2010
Day 6 & 7 of GDOP Prayer reminds us of the need to receive forgiveness as we forgive others. We all want to be forgiven by God and others when we offend others. Yet to forgive others seem like a whole lot more difficult. Yes we already know that we must forgive. Someone just talked to me about his own struggle to forgive a friend after a relationship break up. Each time he remembers or comes in contact with the person there is still the pain and wound within. He knows he has a problem with moving on and is asking for help. I believe he is not alone in this struggle. If we are honest we too sometimes struggle with this issue. The offender may have moved on or is not even bordered by the offense, leaving you still wounded! Are there people still holding you ransom when their names are mentioned or when you think or see them? Are we still living in our past?
The Lord's Prayer says, "Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors." (Matt. 6:12) Two verses down, Jesus says, "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." Forgiveness here seems to be conditional and tied to our forgiveness of others.
But how does one really forgive a person who have wounded us badly? Is it a one step process or will it take several steps to receive healing? Let me know some of your thoughts and how you may have found freedom in your own life in this area of forgiveness.
The Lord's Prayer says, "Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors." (Matt. 6:12) Two verses down, Jesus says, "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." Forgiveness here seems to be conditional and tied to our forgiveness of others.
But how does one really forgive a person who have wounded us badly? Is it a one step process or will it take several steps to receive healing? Let me know some of your thoughts and how you may have found freedom in your own life in this area of forgiveness.
May 14, 2010
Mother's Day 2010
We just celebrated Mother's Day. Terrence worked overtime to get this photo slides out but I forgot to download it and show it! So now you can all view it here to enjoy it! Thank God for mothers and for their sacrifice!
May 13, 2010
May 13 Prayer
Today 41 years ago was a black mark in our nation's history. So it was really interesting (not coincidence but "God-incidence") when one part of the Global Day of Prayer 2010 starts on Ascension Day, which is today (May 13), ten days of prayer before Pentecost Sunday (May 23) - the main Global Day of Prayer, followed by ninety days of blessing. Let us be part of this global movement to pray together for our community, nation and world and release God's power and blessing. Below is a summary of the prayer items. For the full resource please visit http://www.globaldayofprayermalaysia.com/Resources.html
Day 1: Revive - Our Father who is in heaven...
Day 2: Reveal - ..sanctify Your name...
Read Joel 2:12-14 - A Call to RETURN
Day 3: Rule - ...May Your kingdom come...
Day 4: Transform - ...and may Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven...
Read Joel 2:15-17 - A Call to GATHER
Day 5: Provide - ...Give us this day our daily bread...
Day 6: Forgive - ...Forgive us our sins...
Read Joel 2:18-22 - A Call to HOPE
Day 7: Reconcile - ...as we forgive those who sin against us..
Day 8: Lead - ...And lead us not into temptation...
Read Joel 2:23-27 - A Call to CELEBRATE
Day 9: Overcome - ...but deliver us from evil...
Day 10: Glorify - ...for Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen
Read Joel 2:28-32 - A Call to REVIVAL
Day 1: Revive - Our Father who is in heaven...
Day 2: Reveal - ..sanctify Your name...
Read Joel 2:12-14 - A Call to RETURN
Day 3: Rule - ...May Your kingdom come...
Day 4: Transform - ...and may Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven...
Read Joel 2:15-17 - A Call to GATHER
Day 5: Provide - ...Give us this day our daily bread...
Day 6: Forgive - ...Forgive us our sins...
Read Joel 2:18-22 - A Call to HOPE
Day 7: Reconcile - ...as we forgive those who sin against us..
Day 8: Lead - ...And lead us not into temptation...
Read Joel 2:23-27 - A Call to CELEBRATE
Day 9: Overcome - ...but deliver us from evil...
Day 10: Glorify - ...for Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen
Read Joel 2:28-32 - A Call to REVIVAL
Showing Love
Last Sunday for the Mother's Day message I had talked about the importance of building storge or family love. This love speaks of nurturing, empathy, compassion and affection. Our ability to receive and give love depends on developing a healthy relationship which starts in the early years of our life when our mothers show love through affectionate touch, eye contact and the tone of their voice. When a child experiences these sufficiently it gives them a sense of security and trust which ultimately affects their relationship with God. It is hard to trust others, let alone God when we do not receive unconditional love. As a result many of us suffer as adults in our relationship with others and with God. We find love in all sorts of things and people, thinking that it will give us fulfillment. But often go away disappointed and disillusioned when our needs are not met.
Is this your experience? Are you struggling to show intimacy and affection to others and God? I believe that we can be healed. God's Word and His love have provided for our every need. Only He alone can truly bless us and meet our need for love. We are not to become victims if our own parents fail us because they could only give what they had received themselves. Let us learn to let go the false and counterfeit love for the genuine and unconditional love of Christ.
As we received God's love, let us love one another. Let us learn to communicate that love generously to others with the loving touch, looks and words!
Ps. Ben
Is this your experience? Are you struggling to show intimacy and affection to others and God? I believe that we can be healed. God's Word and His love have provided for our every need. Only He alone can truly bless us and meet our need for love. We are not to become victims if our own parents fail us because they could only give what they had received themselves. Let us learn to let go the false and counterfeit love for the genuine and unconditional love of Christ.
As we received God's love, let us love one another. Let us learn to communicate that love generously to others with the loving touch, looks and words!
Ps. Ben
May 4, 2010
Coincidence or Divine Appointment?
Have you ever had an experience or encounter when you meet people whom you would least expect to see? Is it just merely coincidence or is it a divine appointment? I had two such encounters recently in my trip to Australia. First I met a man who was my cousin's school friend. He was introduced as a friend of my friend! But when we talked some more we could trace back some common links! The second incident took place right in the streets of Melbourne. I was walking about trying to find my way in the city and then I met an old friend and sister in Christ. What a pleasant surprise! The last time we met was at a wake a few months ago. We were only able to make light conversations. We are all too busy to come around to meeting each other and talk matters of the heart. So sometimes the Lord chooses to arrange for us meetings to remind us. These meetings could be opportunities to encourage and serve. Who knows our paths may never cross again? Let this prayer, which I am learning to pray, be yours each day: "Lord, lead me today to someone whom I can serve." You could well be surprised with how the Lord may arrange your appointments! Enjoy them.
April 15, 2010
The Lord is With You
If the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us? Isn't this how we would ask God when we faced with life challenges? If God is with us then we wouldn't be in such a situation or mess. This was the same question that Gideon asked God. The Midianites were destroying their land and taking whatever they had. And God's answer was, "..do not I send you?" (Judges 6:14b - ESV) If we dare to ask God this question then we ought to to be prepared to hear what God says. Like Gideon then we must be ready to respond to Him and be part of the solution! But you may say, "But I cannot do this..." or give some other excuses. Don't worry! Gideon was not too confident of himself and did not think too highly of his own family background. In fact he wanted more assurances from God!
The secret of his strength was the Spirit of the Lord. Gideon discovered that day that the Lord is Peace. Peace is not merely an absence of trouble. It is in spite of it that we find the true source of peace. It was not in things, people or even techniques but in a Person.
The next time you are in trouble, go to the Lord who is our Shalom. Listen to Him say, "The Lord is with you, O mighty man (or woman!) of valour." (Judges 6:12 - ESV). Then go forth with the Lord of peace!
The secret of his strength was the Spirit of the Lord. Gideon discovered that day that the Lord is Peace. Peace is not merely an absence of trouble. It is in spite of it that we find the true source of peace. It was not in things, people or even techniques but in a Person.
The next time you are in trouble, go to the Lord who is our Shalom. Listen to Him say, "The Lord is with you, O mighty man (or woman!) of valour." (Judges 6:12 - ESV). Then go forth with the Lord of peace!
April 8, 2010
The Better Option
Someone asked me today this question: "Why do we always ask God for healing and not ask God to preserve this person and quickly bring him/her back to be in His kingdom? Isn't that better than healing the person and remain more time on this earth and with each passing day one may lose its salvation?"
How do we respond to the suffering of a person? If this person is a member of your family you would probably do whatever it takes to preserve and extend his or her life. Spend money for the best doctor, medical treatment and medication that you can afford. Ask people to pray for healing. Consult your friends and do your research on the Internet.
I think if you were like me, we would do everything possible within our means to try to save a life. But how far should we go? How much should we keep the living from dying? Is healing and recovery the only option? Is there a place to release the sick person to the Lord and allow him or her to leave? Would that be more merciful than extending life and allow him or her to sin some more? Is there a better option?
How would you answer my friend's question and respond to the other questions I raised, if you are faced with such questions and decisions? Share from your personal experiences if you have.
How do we respond to the suffering of a person? If this person is a member of your family you would probably do whatever it takes to preserve and extend his or her life. Spend money for the best doctor, medical treatment and medication that you can afford. Ask people to pray for healing. Consult your friends and do your research on the Internet.
I think if you were like me, we would do everything possible within our means to try to save a life. But how far should we go? How much should we keep the living from dying? Is healing and recovery the only option? Is there a place to release the sick person to the Lord and allow him or her to leave? Would that be more merciful than extending life and allow him or her to sin some more? Is there a better option?
How would you answer my friend's question and respond to the other questions I raised, if you are faced with such questions and decisions? Share from your personal experiences if you have.
April 5, 2010
Our Easter Service
April 2, 2010
Death is an unforgettable experience that leaves a lasting mark in our memories. I still remember my late grandmother lying in the morgue and that of my late father on his bed. As we commemorate Good Friday we cannot forget the day our Lord Jesus who hung on the cross, being humiliated publicly, bleeding and in great pain. For three hours there was darkness in the land. At the end of it He cried, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" He even felt that God had left Him when He carried the sins of the world. I am glad that it did not end there. It was only in that moment of despair that He cried out those words. The good news was the words that He cried out later, "It is finished." Yes! He paid the price and ransomed us from all of our sins. We are free!
That's why today we can shout out and say "Thank God it's Good Friday!" or "Thank God for Good Friday!" Let us take a moment to give thanks to the Lord for His great love and sacrifice.
That's why today we can shout out and say "Thank God it's Good Friday!" or "Thank God for Good Friday!" Let us take a moment to give thanks to the Lord for His great love and sacrifice.
April 1, 2010
Maundy Thursday or April Fool?
Today is Maundy Thursday or "Holy Thursday" is the day before Passover to commemorate the institution of the Lord's Supper or Communion. The word 'Maundy' means 'command' in Latin which refers to the command Jesus gave at the Last Supper to love and serve one another.
Today is also April Fool's Day! Coincidence? Well, Paul tells us that "We are fools for Christ.." (1 Cor. 4:10) Not the kind of fools that we see in our world but a wise kind of fools! The reason is "For the message of the the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing..." (1 Cor. 1:18) and "But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things to shame the strong" (1 Cor. 1:27)
The cross was an instrument to inflict pain, humiliation and death to the worst of criminals. Yet it was God's instrument and plan to bring about hope and salvation for humanity through Jesus Christ. On this April Fool's Day let us remember the wisdom and power of God's love.
Today is also April Fool's Day! Coincidence? Well, Paul tells us that "We are fools for Christ.." (1 Cor. 4:10) Not the kind of fools that we see in our world but a wise kind of fools! The reason is "For the message of the the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing..." (1 Cor. 1:18) and "But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things to shame the strong" (1 Cor. 1:27)
The cross was an instrument to inflict pain, humiliation and death to the worst of criminals. Yet it was God's instrument and plan to bring about hope and salvation for humanity through Jesus Christ. On this April Fool's Day let us remember the wisdom and power of God's love.
The Servant
The eve of the Passover feast was a busy day and a stressful time for our Lord. Yet Jesus took time out to minister to His disciples. He loved them and wanted to show them the full extent of his love (John 13:1) Jesus did the unthinkable by washing the disciples' feet. It was a dirty job! But the Teacher became a servant! He just got up, took off his outer clothing and wrapped a towel around His waist (John 13:4) Then He poured water out to the basin and began to wash their feet and dry them with the towel.
How can He do such a think? What would people say? But His love for them far exceeded the norms and expectations of society. His identity would not change by being a servant. He could have asked or commanded one of the disciples to do it. Yet He did not but instead set an example for them (John 13:15) Something they could never forget. His love knew no bound. He loved them even though He knew they would deny Him. He was prepared to go down and be humble like a servant. The Teacher was showing His disciples the right way to go. They must now be servants by washing each others feet just their Teacher. This was what it meant to follow Him. The road that led to the cross was paved with unmeasured love and humility. Jesus went all the way even to lose His own life for us sinners.
How do we wash each others feet today? Some churches reenact the actual washing of feet on Thursday, during Holy Week to remember the humility of the Servant King. I think the example of Jesus was more than just to repeat His physical actions. We need to ask ourselves how can we really be a servant to one another. Are we sensitive to the need of others? Do we take the initiative when we see their needs? Are we prepared to come out of our comfort zones and clean another person's 'smelly feet' even those who are most undeserving and unappreciative? Only a servant's heart filled with the love of Jesus can do it. There is even a blessing if you do them (John 13:17)
How can He do such a think? What would people say? But His love for them far exceeded the norms and expectations of society. His identity would not change by being a servant. He could have asked or commanded one of the disciples to do it. Yet He did not but instead set an example for them (John 13:15) Something they could never forget. His love knew no bound. He loved them even though He knew they would deny Him. He was prepared to go down and be humble like a servant. The Teacher was showing His disciples the right way to go. They must now be servants by washing each others feet just their Teacher. This was what it meant to follow Him. The road that led to the cross was paved with unmeasured love and humility. Jesus went all the way even to lose His own life for us sinners.
How do we wash each others feet today? Some churches reenact the actual washing of feet on Thursday, during Holy Week to remember the humility of the Servant King. I think the example of Jesus was more than just to repeat His physical actions. We need to ask ourselves how can we really be a servant to one another. Are we sensitive to the need of others? Do we take the initiative when we see their needs? Are we prepared to come out of our comfort zones and clean another person's 'smelly feet' even those who are most undeserving and unappreciative? Only a servant's heart filled with the love of Jesus can do it. There is even a blessing if you do them (John 13:17)
Family Camp 2010
This year's church family camp will be @ STM, Seremban. This camp will be run together with SU under their Inter-Generational (IG) camp programme. The theme is "The Power of God's Word".
Here are some pictures taken from our recent visit to the camp site. It's a hilly place with plenty of greenery and adequate space for us to run around! Come and join us this June 11-13. Invite your friends to come and be blessed as well!

Here are some pictures taken from our recent visit to the camp site. It's a hilly place with plenty of greenery and adequate space for us to run around! Come and join us this June 11-13. Invite your friends to come and be blessed as well!
March 31, 2010
Can Life Be Preserved?
We have a natural inclination to instinctively seek self-preservation when faced with danger. On our own we will do what it takes to protect our own interest to avert danger and save our lives. The Lord Jesus knew His time on earth was coming to an end and He was troubled in His heart (John 12:27) What would Jesus say or do in such a stressful and troubling situation? He had two options. Option One was "Father, save me from this hour" That would be the kind of prayer or words we would say in times of danger. Help me or take me out of this trouble or mess. Option Two was "Father, glorify Your name!" That would be the difficult thing and greater thing to do. This was the choice of Christ. The first was the wrong choice because it was against the purpose of His coming which was to die. If was then a voice from heaven came saying, "I have glorified it, and will glorify again." Even God the Father approved of the Son's choice.
What is your choice when you face danger and trouble in your life? The easy and natural or the difficult and right one? Let me suggest the Jesus way: Pray to glorify the Father and for His will to be done. No personal agenda or mere human wisdom. When we choose to glorify Him we surrender our selves to Him and place our faith in Him. Then we will receive His voice of approval. Yes, it may mean that we may not escape from death and the cross. But Father will be pleased and He honours the one who follows and serves Jesus (John 12:26) Try the Jesus way when you face your next challenge in life.
What is your choice when you face danger and trouble in your life? The easy and natural or the difficult and right one? Let me suggest the Jesus way: Pray to glorify the Father and for His will to be done. No personal agenda or mere human wisdom. When we choose to glorify Him we surrender our selves to Him and place our faith in Him. Then we will receive His voice of approval. Yes, it may mean that we may not escape from death and the cross. But Father will be pleased and He honours the one who follows and serves Jesus (John 12:26) Try the Jesus way when you face your next challenge in life.
March 29, 2010
Lavish Love
For my first meditation during this Holy Week I would like to share from the account of Jesus being anointed by Mary the sister of Lazarus (John 12:1-11). This event took place the day before Jesus entered Jerusalem. Mary showed her love and devotion to her Lord by pouring out expensive perfume (worth a year's wages) at the feet of Jesus. Her act of sacrifice was prophetic in nature as she was preparing for His burial. For Mary it was her offering of sacrifice and service to the Lord. It was her way of showing love and devotion. But what a waste some may say, just like Judas Iscariot, who was to betray Him later. The money could have been put to better use like helping the poor and needy. But Mary had the support of Jesus. He accepted her sacrificial act of love. In a short while Jesus would be showing the lavish generosity of God's love at the cross. Like sweet fragrance that love would spread to ends of the earth. Something that even a year's wages would never be able to buy. Love is something that cannot be stored or hoarded. It has to be given away to receive its blessings. Mary lavished her love in her own way and she was remembered. Judas kept his love in a guarded and miser manner and was remembered for his tragic and treacherous life.
But how do we give and show love? Generously or miserly? God's love is sacrificial and generous. John had this to say of His love: "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!" (1 John 3:1) We can only give what we know and have received. Why do we love? Because He first loved us. Paul tells us that God has poured out this love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5:5) It is from this ocean of love that we can draw to give generously. Our own containers at its best is limited. We give with the expectation that others will fill our limited containers. Give and it will be given. May the Lord help us to see and experience anew the lavish love of God. Then love Him back by sharing that love generously to someone who needs to be loved this week.
Ps. Ben
But how do we give and show love? Generously or miserly? God's love is sacrificial and generous. John had this to say of His love: "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!" (1 John 3:1) We can only give what we know and have received. Why do we love? Because He first loved us. Paul tells us that God has poured out this love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5:5) It is from this ocean of love that we can draw to give generously. Our own containers at its best is limited. We give with the expectation that others will fill our limited containers. Give and it will be given. May the Lord help us to see and experience anew the lavish love of God. Then love Him back by sharing that love generously to someone who needs to be loved this week.
Ps. Ben
March 23, 2010
The Four Stages of Life
I came across this picture that shows the four stages of our human life. Look at it and see if there is any truth in it. Let me know what you think. Which stage are you at?
March 11, 2010
Fallen People
Recently there has been a series of high profile personalities being exposed for their sinful indiscretions. They are people at the top of their professions and greatly idolised by many. But when they fall from the pedestal, they are quickly condemned and rejected by these same set of worshipers. People never seem to have enough of the juicy stories and are 'Google-ing' for more. It's just like a feeding frenzy in a pool of hungry pirahnas!
I admit that I too have my own list of fallen heroes! People that I admire (especially when they claim to be Christians!) who failed to live up to my expectations. We may console ourselves that we are not like them and that as Christians we don't do the kind of things that they do. We may even judge them. Yes, I know that we are not supposed to do that!
The question is: Are we capable of doing some of these things like violence, lying, infidelity and cheating? How should we treat those who have fallen? How then would you like to be treated when you fall from grace? Let me know what you think!
I admit that I too have my own list of fallen heroes! People that I admire (especially when they claim to be Christians!) who failed to live up to my expectations. We may console ourselves that we are not like them and that as Christians we don't do the kind of things that they do. We may even judge them. Yes, I know that we are not supposed to do that!
The question is: Are we capable of doing some of these things like violence, lying, infidelity and cheating? How should we treat those who have fallen? How then would you like to be treated when you fall from grace? Let me know what you think!
March 10, 2010
Being God's Temple
Do you know that the local church is God's temple? (1 Cor. 3:16-17) This temple is the dwelling place of God's Spirit and it is sacred or holy. The Greek word for holy is hagios, which has the idea of separation, consecration and devotion to the service of God, sharing in God's purity and abstaining from earth's defilement.
God is so protective of the temple that a serious warning was given against those who destroy God's temple. In the church at Corinth, there were some people inside the church that seem to be moving towards this destructive path as evidenced by their arrogance, divisions, jealousy and quarreling (ch. 1:10-3:15) They were pursuing human wisdom rather than God's wisdom in trying to build the church.
The truth is: You are God's temple. What does it mean then for the church to be God's temple, indwelt by the God's Spirit today? How do we live holy lives as a community of God's people without making the mistakes of the church at Corinth? Think about this and feel free to give me your opinions.
God is so protective of the temple that a serious warning was given against those who destroy God's temple. In the church at Corinth, there were some people inside the church that seem to be moving towards this destructive path as evidenced by their arrogance, divisions, jealousy and quarreling (ch. 1:10-3:15) They were pursuing human wisdom rather than God's wisdom in trying to build the church.
The truth is: You are God's temple. What does it mean then for the church to be God's temple, indwelt by the God's Spirit today? How do we live holy lives as a community of God's people without making the mistakes of the church at Corinth? Think about this and feel free to give me your opinions.
March 4, 2010
Should Churches Be as Friendly as a Bar?
I came across an article recently by Mark Galli in Christianity Today with the above title. Apparently a survey was done in the USA in trying to determine where the churches rank in comparison with other 'around town' avenues. Restaurants, bars and pubs were rated as the best places to meet people beating churches. But not by too much: 18% vs 16%. Why do people go to church? Is it because it is a friendly place or just out of religious obligation?
Think: Why do you go (or not go) to church? If you want a fun and friendly place, would the church be the first place on your mind? People go to bars and pubs for care-free and casual conversations. Should churches (or our church) then be as friendly as a bar? Let me know what you think.
Ps. Ben
Think: Why do you go (or not go) to church? If you want a fun and friendly place, would the church be the first place on your mind? People go to bars and pubs for care-free and casual conversations. Should churches (or our church) then be as friendly as a bar? Let me know what you think.
Ps. Ben
March 2, 2010
The Day of the Lord
We have already had two major earthquakes in 2010. Will there be any more? I think the answer is a likely YES! We cannot prevent them but if we can have some early signs or warnings it may help save some lives. Well that is what the experts are trying to do all these years but much success. The question that may concern others who are looking for signs for the return of Jesus Christ will be: "Is this the Day of the Lord?" or the Day of Judgement?
Jesus has this to say about earthquakes and other signs: "all these are the beginning of birth pangs" (Matt. 24:8) The duration of labour pains varies. One thing we learn from the prophet Joel is that the Day of the Lord is going to be certain and a whole lot worse than the birth pangs! He describes it as "destruction from the Almighty" (Joel 1:15); "close at hand" (Joel 2:1); "it is dreadful. Who can endure it?" (Joel 2:15); "great and dreadful" (Joel 2"31); "near in the valley of decision" (Joel 3:14)
Well at least for some people. Like earthquakes our focus has always been on the destruction, pain and loss. I think our focus should be on the salvation that comes that comes when we call on the name of the Lord (Joel 2:32) Disasters like earthquakes are warning signs meant to lead us back to the Lord. The people of God in Joel's time faced the locust hordes that devastated the land. But God gave them a second chance to humble ourselves and return with all our heart (Joel 2:12) This call came from the God who is "gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love" (Joel 2:13)
"Who knows? He may turn and have pity and leave behind a blessing" (Joel 2:14) They repented and God relented them from further destruction and restored their losses. The Day of the Lord is also a day when "the mountain will drip new wine.." (Joel 3:18) It will be a day of joy for those who have been delivered! The Lord is in the midst and He now dwells amongst His people. Is there then anything to fear? Is there anything that can ever separate His people from the love of God?
May the Lord bring comfort to your soul in your hour of trial.
Ps Ben
Jesus has this to say about earthquakes and other signs: "all these are the beginning of birth pangs" (Matt. 24:8) The duration of labour pains varies. One thing we learn from the prophet Joel is that the Day of the Lord is going to be certain and a whole lot worse than the birth pangs! He describes it as "destruction from the Almighty" (Joel 1:15); "close at hand" (Joel 2:1); "it is dreadful. Who can endure it?" (Joel 2:15); "great and dreadful" (Joel 2"31); "near in the valley of decision" (Joel 3:14)
Well at least for some people. Like earthquakes our focus has always been on the destruction, pain and loss. I think our focus should be on the salvation that comes that comes when we call on the name of the Lord (Joel 2:32) Disasters like earthquakes are warning signs meant to lead us back to the Lord. The people of God in Joel's time faced the locust hordes that devastated the land. But God gave them a second chance to humble ourselves and return with all our heart (Joel 2:12) This call came from the God who is "gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love" (Joel 2:13)
"Who knows? He may turn and have pity and leave behind a blessing" (Joel 2:14) They repented and God relented them from further destruction and restored their losses. The Day of the Lord is also a day when "the mountain will drip new wine.." (Joel 3:18) It will be a day of joy for those who have been delivered! The Lord is in the midst and He now dwells amongst His people. Is there then anything to fear? Is there anything that can ever separate His people from the love of God?
May the Lord bring comfort to your soul in your hour of trial.
Ps Ben
February 23, 2010
Build to Last
Recently I have been preaching on building strong foundation. First it was about the need to build depth in one's personal spiritual life rather than merely on the external activities. It is so easy and sometimes fun to focus on activities and programmes. But to build depth requires hard and painful work. It takes too long and people do not have patience to see the long term fruits of the labour. We all want fast results! Then I talked about building the church from the expert builder Paul. In building the church, we must never forget that the foundation that is laid is and should be Jesus Christ alone (1 Cor. 3:11) There is no other foundation in which we can build. All the wisdom of this world cannot build the church of Christ.
Paul was an wise master builder who by the grace of God founded the church in Corinth (read Acts 18:1-18). He preached and testified that Jesus was the Christ under great opposition and abuse. But he persevered for 18 months before leaving. Once the foundation was laid, other people came to help build on it. People like Apollos. The warning he gave these builders was that they ought to build carefully. There was a problem with the way the Corinthian Christians were building the church. They seemed to be trying to build on their own wisdom and philosophy rather than that of Christ and Him crucified. They were not building with the right materials. Materials that are durable (gold, silver & costly stones) and lasting enough to withstand the test of fire. Materials that will be compatible with the foundation.
But how often when we look at the church today we seem to associate it with certain big personalities, big programmes or big buildings. But will the work last beyond what people see? We have already seen for ourselves how buildings can so easily be destroyed overnight. The question is not about size - big or small. It is one about durability whether the work we do will really last and remain on that Day?
Yes, only time will tell. Sometimes in this lifetime but most certainly on that Day. That Day is the Day of Judgement where everyone and everything will eventually be shown for what it truly is. Every work the builders have done in building the church will be tested. There is reward and profit if one passes and loss if one's work gets burned up. The loss is not about one's personal salvation which is by grace and not works. Waiting for that Day may already be too late! Let us build rightly now with the right foundation and materials. What we do must really build the church of Christ. For Christ is the true Head of the Church!
May God's grace and wisdom be upon you.
Ps. Ben
Paul was an wise master builder who by the grace of God founded the church in Corinth (read Acts 18:1-18). He preached and testified that Jesus was the Christ under great opposition and abuse. But he persevered for 18 months before leaving. Once the foundation was laid, other people came to help build on it. People like Apollos. The warning he gave these builders was that they ought to build carefully. There was a problem with the way the Corinthian Christians were building the church. They seemed to be trying to build on their own wisdom and philosophy rather than that of Christ and Him crucified. They were not building with the right materials. Materials that are durable (gold, silver & costly stones) and lasting enough to withstand the test of fire. Materials that will be compatible with the foundation.
But how often when we look at the church today we seem to associate it with certain big personalities, big programmes or big buildings. But will the work last beyond what people see? We have already seen for ourselves how buildings can so easily be destroyed overnight. The question is not about size - big or small. It is one about durability whether the work we do will really last and remain on that Day?
Yes, only time will tell. Sometimes in this lifetime but most certainly on that Day. That Day is the Day of Judgement where everyone and everything will eventually be shown for what it truly is. Every work the builders have done in building the church will be tested. There is reward and profit if one passes and loss if one's work gets burned up. The loss is not about one's personal salvation which is by grace and not works. Waiting for that Day may already be too late! Let us build rightly now with the right foundation and materials. What we do must really build the church of Christ. For Christ is the true Head of the Church!
May God's grace and wisdom be upon you.
Ps. Ben
February 16, 2010
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday (Feb 17) marks the beginning of the season of Lent. This is the period leading to Easter. Traditionally it is a season of prayer, penitence, almsgiving and self-denial. This year it has come right after the Chinese New Year. So the dilemma for Christians whether to feast or fast? The feasting is more than just the many dinners that we have to attend. It is also the time we reexamine ourselves and curb the excesses we have been indulging with our senses. You should know what some of them are! The deeper ones the Lord will show you. So the next forty days can be a good time to humble oneself and put some self-control into place. Ask the Lord what He would like you to do more than you are used to. For example, I bought a booklet to read for my meditation during the season. I haven't given much thought yet what else to do. But I would like to spend more time in prayer and fasting! Possibly attend a conference on the Father Heart of God. May I suggest that you intentionally spare some time and thought to do something different or extra for this season. When your soul prospers the work you do will also prosper. What a way then to celebrate the New Year by being a blessing to others as you are blessed yourself!
Ps. Ben
Ps. Ben
February 2, 2010
We're Googleable!
We are now present on Google Maps Malaysia. So if you were to search for Grace EFC you can now find our location plus some basic details including our contact. What is even more interesting is that they can also get driving directions from a chosen starting point to our location with suggested routes! But as you can see, it is not 100% accurate! So just try it! The next time someone asks you for directions to the church, just ask them to go to Google Maps.
January 26, 2010
The Clouds Are Gathering
There is a song by one of my favourite Christian song writers, Graham Kendrick that I find very meaningful that speaks of the challenging times we are living in. Everything may seem to be a mess around us and yet there is hope of victory through the cross. Enjoy the lyrics and perhaps even make it your own prayer. Yes, we can even sing it in church too!
O Lord the clouds are gathering, the fire of judgement burns.
How we have fallen!
O Lord, You stand appalled to see Your laws of love so scorned
and lives so broken.
O Lord, over the nations now, where is the dove of peace?
Her wings are broken,
O Lord, while precious children starve, the tools of war increase,
their bread is stolen.
O Lord, dark powers are poised to flood our streets with hate and fear.
We must awaken!
O Lord, let us reclaim the lives that sin would sweep away,
and let You kingdom come!
Yet, O Lord, Your glorious cross shall tower triumphant in this land,
evil confounding;
through the fire, Your suffering Church display the glories of her Christ,
praises resounding.
The chorus gives a fitting response for the people of God to cry out to their Lord:
Have mercy, Lord.
Forgive us, Lord.
Restore us, Lord; revive Your Church again.
Let justice flow like rivers,
and righteousness like a never-failing stream.
O Lord the clouds are gathering, the fire of judgement burns.
How we have fallen!
O Lord, You stand appalled to see Your laws of love so scorned
and lives so broken.
O Lord, over the nations now, where is the dove of peace?
Her wings are broken,
O Lord, while precious children starve, the tools of war increase,
their bread is stolen.
O Lord, dark powers are poised to flood our streets with hate and fear.
We must awaken!
O Lord, let us reclaim the lives that sin would sweep away,
and let You kingdom come!
Yet, O Lord, Your glorious cross shall tower triumphant in this land,
evil confounding;
through the fire, Your suffering Church display the glories of her Christ,
praises resounding.
The chorus gives a fitting response for the people of God to cry out to their Lord:
Have mercy, Lord.
Forgive us, Lord.
Restore us, Lord; revive Your Church again.
Let justice flow like rivers,
and righteousness like a never-failing stream.
January 24, 2010
A New Beginning!
Welcome to Grace EFC's Cyber Home! This is our first foray to start a blog for the church. Our aim is to try to make communication easier between our members and friends far and wide. We want you to participate by contributing in whatever way you can. The success and failure of this blog really depends on you as our readers too!
So the first task for you then is to give us your feedback on the look and feel of the blog. Tell us how we can improve and make it even better. We cannot please everyone but will try to make the changes within the limitations of our knowledge of the blog template and web coding! It's really a brave new world out there for us. So if you one of the brave ones that would like to help, you are most welcome!
May the Lord bless you!
Ps. Ben
So the first task for you then is to give us your feedback on the look and feel of the blog. Tell us how we can improve and make it even better. We cannot please everyone but will try to make the changes within the limitations of our knowledge of the blog template and web coding! It's really a brave new world out there for us. So if you one of the brave ones that would like to help, you are most welcome!
May the Lord bless you!
Ps. Ben
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