For my first meditation during this Holy Week I would like to share from the account of Jesus being anointed by Mary the sister of Lazarus (John 12:1-11). This event took place the day before Jesus entered Jerusalem. Mary showed her love and devotion to her Lord by pouring out expensive perfume (worth a year's wages) at the feet of Jesus. Her act of sacrifice was prophetic in nature as she was preparing for His burial. For Mary it was her offering of sacrifice and service to the Lord. It was her way of showing love and devotion. But what a waste some may say, just like Judas Iscariot, who was to betray Him later. The money could have been put to better use like helping the poor and needy. But Mary had the support of Jesus. He accepted her sacrificial act of love. In a short while Jesus would be showing the lavish generosity of God's love at the cross. Like sweet fragrance that love would spread to ends of the earth. Something that even a year's wages would never be able to buy. Love is something that cannot be stored or hoarded. It has to be given away to receive its blessings. Mary lavished her love in her own way and she was remembered. Judas kept his love in a guarded and miser manner and was remembered for his tragic and treacherous life.
But how do we give and show love? Generously or miserly? God's love is sacrificial and generous. John had this to say of His love: "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!" (1 John 3:1) We can only give what we know and have received. Why do we love? Because He first loved us. Paul tells us that God has poured out this love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5:5) It is from this ocean of love that we can draw to give generously. Our own containers at its best is limited. We give with the expectation that others will fill our limited containers. Give and it will be given. May the Lord help us to see and experience anew the lavish love of God. Then love Him back by sharing that love generously to someone who needs to be loved this week.
Ps. Ben
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