We have a natural inclination to instinctively seek self-preservation when faced with danger. On our own we will do what it takes to protect our own interest to avert danger and save our lives. The Lord Jesus knew His time on earth was coming to an end and He was troubled in His heart (John 12:27) What would Jesus say or do in such a stressful and troubling situation? He had two options. Option One was "Father, save me from this hour" That would be the kind of prayer or words we would say in times of danger. Help me or take me out of this trouble or mess. Option Two was "Father, glorify Your name!" That would be the difficult thing and greater thing to do. This was the choice of Christ. The first was the wrong choice because it was against the purpose of His coming which was to die. If was then a voice from heaven came saying, "I have glorified it, and will glorify again." Even God the Father approved of the Son's choice.
What is your choice when you face danger and trouble in your life? The easy and natural or the difficult and right one? Let me suggest the Jesus way: Pray to glorify the Father and for His will to be done. No personal agenda or mere human wisdom. When we choose to glorify Him we surrender our selves to Him and place our faith in Him. Then we will receive His voice of approval. Yes, it may mean that we may not escape from death and the cross. But Father will be pleased and He honours the one who follows and serves Jesus (John 12:26) Try the Jesus way when you face your next challenge in life.
Seek Him and have faith, you will feel His peace & wisdom.This is what I truely experienced recently when I face difficulty in my works. Lets glorify Him especilly during this Easter time now and..... His will be done!