March 10, 2010

Being God's Temple

Do you know that the local church is God's temple? (1 Cor. 3:16-17) This temple is the dwelling place of God's Spirit and it is sacred or holy. The Greek word for holy is hagios, which has the idea of separation, consecration and devotion to the service of God, sharing in God's purity and abstaining from earth's defilement.

God is so protective of the temple that a serious warning was given against those who destroy God's temple. In the church at Corinth, there were some people inside the church that seem to be moving towards this destructive path as evidenced by their arrogance, divisions, jealousy and quarreling (ch. 1:10-3:15) They were pursuing human wisdom rather than God's wisdom in trying to build the church.

The truth is: You are God's temple. What does it mean then for the church to be God's temple, indwelt by the God's Spirit today? How do we live holy lives as a community of God's people without making the mistakes of the church at Corinth? Think about this and feel free to give me your opinions.


  1. Be Christ-like!! that's the ultimate goal!

  2. What do you understand by being Christ-like? What are the components of Christ-likeness?
