We have already had two major earthquakes in 2010. Will there be any more? I think the answer is a likely YES! We cannot prevent them but if we can have some early signs or warnings it may help save some lives. Well that is what the experts are trying to do all these years but much success. The question that may concern others who are looking for signs for the return of Jesus Christ will be: "Is this the Day of the Lord?" or the Day of Judgement?
Jesus has this to say about earthquakes and other signs: "all these are the beginning of birth pangs" (Matt. 24:8) The duration of labour pains varies. One thing we learn from the prophet Joel is that the Day of the Lord is going to be certain and a whole lot worse than the birth pangs! He describes it as "destruction from the Almighty" (Joel 1:15); "close at hand" (Joel 2:1); "it is dreadful. Who can endure it?" (Joel 2:15); "great and dreadful" (Joel 2"31); "near in the valley of decision" (Joel 3:14)
Well at least for some people. Like earthquakes our focus has always been on the destruction, pain and loss. I think our focus should be on the salvation that comes that comes when we call on the name of the Lord (Joel 2:32) Disasters like earthquakes are warning signs meant to lead us back to the Lord. The people of God in Joel's time faced the locust hordes that devastated the land. But God gave them a second chance to humble ourselves and return with all our heart (Joel 2:12) This call came from the God who is "gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love" (Joel 2:13)
"Who knows? He may turn and have pity and leave behind a blessing" (Joel 2:14) They repented and God relented them from further destruction and restored their losses. The Day of the Lord is also a day when "the mountain will drip new wine.." (Joel 3:18) It will be a day of joy for those who have been delivered! The Lord is in the midst and He now dwells amongst His people. Is there then anything to fear? Is there anything that can ever separate His people from the love of God?
May the Lord bring comfort to your soul in your hour of trial.
Ps Ben
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