January 26, 2010

The Clouds Are Gathering

There is a song by one of my favourite Christian song writers, Graham Kendrick that I find very meaningful that speaks of the challenging times we are living in. Everything may seem to be a mess around us and yet there is hope of victory through the cross. Enjoy the lyrics and perhaps even make it your own prayer. Yes, we can even sing it in church too!

O Lord the clouds are gathering, the fire of judgement burns.
How we have fallen!
O Lord, You stand appalled to see Your laws of love so scorned
and lives so broken.

O Lord, over the nations now, where is the dove of peace?
Her wings are broken,
O Lord, while precious children starve, the tools of war increase, 
their bread is stolen.

O Lord, dark powers are poised to flood our streets with hate and fear.
We must awaken!
O Lord, let us reclaim the lives that sin would sweep away, 
and let You kingdom come!

Yet, O Lord, Your glorious cross shall tower triumphant in this land,
evil confounding; 
through the fire, Your suffering Church display the glories of her Christ,
praises resounding.

The chorus gives a fitting response for the people of God to cry out to their Lord:

Have mercy, Lord.
Forgive us, Lord. 
Restore us, Lord; revive Your Church again.
Let justice flow like rivers,
and righteousness like a never-failing stream. 

January 24, 2010

A New Beginning!

Welcome to Grace EFC's Cyber Home! This is our first foray to start a blog for the church. Our aim is to try to make communication easier between our members and friends far and wide. We want you to participate by contributing in whatever way you can. The success and failure of this blog really depends on you as our readers too!

So the first task for you then is to give us your feedback on the look and feel of the blog. Tell us how we can improve and make it even better. We cannot please everyone but will try to make the changes within the limitations of our knowledge of the blog template and web coding! It's really a brave new world out there for us. So if you one of the brave ones that would like to help, you are most welcome!

May the Lord bless you!
Ps. Ben