During the camp we had two plenary sessions where the speaker Jason Fong shared to us regarding the power of God's Word and it's impact in our lives as Christians. Here is a summary of the main points to help you remember and apply:
1) God's Word Sustains Our Spiritual Growth (1 Peter 2:2)
- it is milk, meat, honey & bread
2) God's Word Sanctifies (John 17:17)
- makes us clean and renews our minds
3) God's Word Strengthens Our Faith in Him (Rom. 10:47)
- only way to receive faith is through His Word
4) God's Word Provides Guidance in Our Lives (Psalm 119:105)
- helps us to know God's ways and acts
5) God's Word Gives Us Victory Over the Devil (2 Cor. 10:4)
- helps us to focus on things that we cannot see (the spiritual & eternal)
6) God's Word Reveals to Us Our True Condition (James 1:22)
- it is like a mirror that shows us what we are really like without any compromise
If you want reasons why we should hear, read, study, memorise & meditate Scriptures, then the above six reasons should give be more than enough! I am glad to see some of you taking this seriously. Continue to do so and I can assure you that the blessings you reap will be greater than you dare imagine! Try it and let God's Word do what God has intended it to do! Remember the Word will not return to Him empty but will accomplish what He desires and purposed (Isaiah 55:11) If you have found any of the point(s) true in your life, share with the rest of us.
May God bless the daily reading of His Word in your life. Amen!
Ps. Ben
Our body needs vitamin or supplementary to make us stay healty physically and we need God's word to sanctify us spiritually. His word continue to warn me to live in His righteousness and christlikeness. Any wrong "feeling or thinking" is a sinful way which will make us unholy...I thanks God for this reminder and will live my life according to His will.Amen.