June 8, 2010

Accountable to Whom?

To whom are we accountable to in our lives? Some people say that they are not accountable to anyone and they live their life anyway they like. It's my life, they claim! What about in the church? If someone has committed a sin, is the person accountable to anyone? Will there be some form of disciplinary action? Or do we just let it go and gossip about it. The Corinthian church (1 Cor. 5) had a brother who was having an incestuous relationship with his father's wife (stepmother). What was the church's response? They were proud of it! (5:2) How could they be proud of such a relationship and boast about something that does not even occur in the permissive society they were in? The church seemed to be even more broad minded and inclusive than the world! Something must be really wrong when a church comes to such a state of affairs when she is following the world's values instead of living the truths of God.

When the sermon was preached last Sunday, I just couldn't help but think how the spirit of the Corinthian church is still prevalent today. For example the church is divided over the homosexual issue. Some churches says it's alright and have leaders who openly confess their gay lifestyle and the church says its okay! In the name of being inclusive we have compromised the standards of God. In calling for disciplinary action, was Paul being too harsh or judgemental? Does Scripture not tell us "not to judge"? Obviously not! Paul was making a judgement call because the sin committed was obvious. To walk in the light was to walk in truth. The passage on "do not judge" in Matthew 7:1-5 talks about not being a hypocrite in trying to find fault with others when we do not see our own (bigger) sin.

The points in the sermon about the need for accountability addresses why judgement or discipline was needed. First, sin is deadly. Sin destroys - it kills our spirit, destroys our integrity, witness, reputation and family. Second, people need to live right. We are not sinless. But if we do sin then we need to repent and be restored. The goal of discipline is restoration and not punitive. Third, the church is polluted by sin. The witness and harmony of the church will be affected by sin. When people outside the church see in the church behaving the same as the world, then what is the difference? Why do they need to come to the church? There must be a difference in believing and following Jesus. Truth and sincerity must be present. Finally, people need the Lord. We all need God. The people of God need to be accountable so that they reflect the truth and life of Christ. We are witnesses. This is the greatest reason for being accountable. Judgement starts from within the church. Let God judge the world. If the church is the Bride of Christ then she must reflect the character and nature of her husband because He is looking for one that is holy and blameless (Eph 5:27)

Whether we like it or not, we are accountable to one another. We are not alone! God has placed us in a local church for a reason. But if we keep on hiding, resisting and running away (e.g. to another church) how can we deal with the problem of our sins and be restored? How can we be more Christ like? Christ loves His church and He will do whatever it takes to present her as pure and blameless. Come, Lord Jesus and purify us to become more like you. Let us not hide when Your light shines on our sins. Save us and restore us for we need Your healing!

Ps. Ben

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