October 22, 2010

Acts of Kindness

Have you ever experienced a stranger doing a random act of kindness? Last Sunday at my favourite bakery a stranger I had a short conversation with just offered her discount card to me to use it to pay for my purchase. I did not  ask her nor influenced her in any way that I know of but she just offered it to me. The savings was only 50 sen but it certainly left me surprised and impressed! I can't help but think what our world would be like if more people continue to do random acts of kindness to strangers. People that will never be able to repay you back or you will ever meet again.

On Monday I read in the newspapers of more stories of how some people show kindness to strangers without expecting anything in return. Wow! As Christians, are we not called to be kind? Is kindness not a part of our new nature in Christ (fruit of the Spirit)? Are acts of kindness not a reflection of God's image in us, which ultimately reflects who God is? Who knows that we may very well be ministering to angels unaware?

Have you experienced a random act of kindness? No? Don't wait for one! Why don't you do an act of kindness to some stranger? Think of ways to bless someone who least expects or deserves it. Let your light so shine before men!

Ps Ben

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