Can we have ears and yet not hear? It sounds impossible and yet it is true. How many times have you been told that you are not listening? If you are like me then we tend to do selective listening. More than once Jesus said these words, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear.". In the parable of the Sower, the four types of ground are symbols of our ears. The seed (symbolic of the Word) was scattered onto the different ground. Some ears are like the hard path, unresponsive to the seed of God's Word. Others have ears like rocky soil that hear but does not allow the seed to take root. Yet others have ears that resemble more like thorny soil, where there was too much competition to give the seed a chance to grow. And then there are the ears that really hear God's voice, those that landed on good soil.
Notice that in all four cases the sower (messenger) and the seed (message) are both the same. The only difference is the listener. They just did not listen to the voice of God. We all have ears and yet can respond differently to the Word of God. It can be due to hardened hearts, or a shallow lives or even minds too distracted by the anxieties and pleasures of life. The truth is that the majority of people are missing the message. The Bible places great importance in hearing God's voice. The laws of God through Moses starts with "Hear, O Israel" (Deut. 6:4). The sheep of Jesus hears His voice (John 10:3-5) and "Faith comes from hearing the message" (Romans 10:17)
What then do you do when God throws seed in your way? How well do you hear? Are you hard of hearing? Don't be like the majority who have ears but do not listen. Take time to read the Bible and pray regularly. Find a place - your private space without any distractions. Allow the Word to speak to you. Write it down. Have an open heart to hear and an obedient heart to do what it says. Don't be surprised then to hear things you have never heard before! Share with others (or us) what you have learned.
Ps. Ben
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