May 13, 2010

May 13 Prayer

Today 41 years ago was a black mark in our nation's history. So it was really interesting (not coincidence but "God-incidence") when one part of the Global Day of Prayer 2010 starts on Ascension Day, which is today (May 13), ten days of prayer before Pentecost Sunday (May 23) - the main Global Day of Prayer, followed by ninety days of blessing. Let us be part of this global movement to pray together for our community, nation and world and release God's power and blessing. Below is a summary of the prayer items. For the full resource please visit

Day 1: Revive - Our Father who is in heaven...
Day 2: Reveal - ..sanctify Your name... 
Read Joel 2:12-14 - A Call to RETURN

Day 3: Rule - ...May Your kingdom come...
Day 4: Transform - ...and may Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven...
Read Joel 2:15-17 - A Call to GATHER 

Day 5: Provide - ...Give us this day our daily bread...
Day 6: Forgive - ...Forgive us our sins...
Read Joel 2:18-22 - A Call to HOPE

Day 7: Reconcile - we forgive those who sin against us..
Day 8: Lead - ...And lead us not into temptation...
Read Joel 2:23-27 - A Call to CELEBRATE

Day 9: Overcome - ...but deliver us from evil...
Day 10: Glorify - ...for Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen 
Read Joel 2:28-32 - A Call to REVIVAL

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