In reading the book of Jonah, you will come across the prophet Jonah getting angry. What was he angry about? He was angry with God and the dead vine. God had spared His judgement on the city of Nineveh when they repented and God had sent a worm to eat up the vine that provide shade for him. He was so angry that he wanted to die! Imagine getting angry and showing your disapproval to the God who is gracious, compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. I would personally find it hard to get angry with someone like this! But had Jonah got a right to be angry with God? (4:4,9) God had saved his life earlier from drowning. But the saving of the more than 120,000 people in the city did not seem to matter to him. They were just foreigners - wicked enemies of his people. But both acts of salvation came by God's grace. Jonah deserved to die for his sin of disobedience and the Ninevites deserved judgment too. How amazing the grace of God is! Isn't this what the gospel of Jesus Christ all about? We all don't deserved it.
What makes you angry? Is your anger on something that really matters? Like the souls of people or acts of injustice. Or is it merely to blow your top in frustration and feed your prejudices and pride? The next time you get angry, stop and take a look at the grace of God in your life. Let His abounding love and mercy fill your hearts. Then you know what the power of His resurrection means in your life! It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me (Gal. 2:20)
Ps Ben
May 31, 2010
May 26, 2010
God is on the Throne
In the Book of Revelation one of the words that stood out in John's vision of heaven was the word "throne" (44x, most of it related to God's throne) The throne is at the centre of heaven and God is seated on the throne. In ch.4-5, surrounding the throne are the elders, living creatures, angels and every creature in heaven and on earth. The environment is filled with heavenly lights, colours, sounds and sights that is beyond human language. What do all these creatures do? They all worship the One who is on the throne. Worship brings and unites God's people. All our differences fade away in the presence of God. He alone is holy and worthy to be worshiped. God and Jesus the Lamb is worshiped. Worship is expressed in many ways - through words, songs, bodies (falling down), and laying their crowns. He is worthy to receive glory, honour, power, wealth, wisdom, strength, and praise.
God has made us for worship (comes from word: worth-ship). We only worship what is of worth. God alone is worthy. Why? He is our creator and the rest are His creation. That's why we worship Him and not the created things. We don't need to wait for heaven to really worship. It starts here and now when we give our lives to Jesus. We can honour Him with our all. As God gets the glory we receive His joy. No matter what happens in your life, God is still on the throne. He is still in control. Worthy is the Lamb!
Ps. Ben
God has made us for worship (comes from word: worth-ship). We only worship what is of worth. God alone is worthy. Why? He is our creator and the rest are His creation. That's why we worship Him and not the created things. We don't need to wait for heaven to really worship. It starts here and now when we give our lives to Jesus. We can honour Him with our all. As God gets the glory we receive His joy. No matter what happens in your life, God is still on the throne. He is still in control. Worthy is the Lamb!
Ps. Ben
May 23, 2010
What Makes You Cry?
There are many reasons why a person cries. One of them is a sad scene in a movie. I remember the time when I cried in the cinema whilst watching the movie "Jesus of Nazareth"! It was the crucifixion scene. Somehow it shook me of the cruelty of men and the extent of God's love. That was certainly not the last time I was moved over a movie! In our last CG study we read in Revelation 5:4 that John wept when he was told that there was no one worthy to break the seals and open the scroll. It must have broken his heart to hear that there was no one in all of heaven and earth who can unlock what was written on the scrolls. Jesus wept when His good friend Lazarus died. He also cried over the city of Jerusalem who did not recognised their Messiah.
What makes you cry? I hope it is more than just a weepy movie! Certainly there are more things happening in this world of ours that can really make us weep. I hope the tears are happy ones or at least it can push you to some action or decision. Maybe you have a story to share with regards to this topic?
Ps. Ben
What makes you cry? I hope it is more than just a weepy movie! Certainly there are more things happening in this world of ours that can really make us weep. I hope the tears are happy ones or at least it can push you to some action or decision. Maybe you have a story to share with regards to this topic?
Ps. Ben
May 21, 2010
10 Things We Can't Live Without
I read an article today listing out 10 things that Americans today cannot live without especially during this time of recession. People have tried cutting back almost everything from cars, appliances to cigarettes and even toilet paper! What are your 10 things that you cannot live without when times are bad? Perhaps it can tell us something about ourselves and the Americans! Are we any different? Here is their Top 10 List:
1. Portable Computers
2. High-speed Internet Access
3. Smart Phones
4. Education
5. Movies
6. TV
7. Music Downloads
8. Pets
9. Alcoholic Drinks
10. Coffee
1. Portable Computers
2. High-speed Internet Access
3. Smart Phones
4. Education
5. Movies
6. TV
7. Music Downloads
8. Pets
9. Alcoholic Drinks
10. Coffee
May 18, 2010
Day 6 & 7 of GDOP Prayer reminds us of the need to receive forgiveness as we forgive others. We all want to be forgiven by God and others when we offend others. Yet to forgive others seem like a whole lot more difficult. Yes we already know that we must forgive. Someone just talked to me about his own struggle to forgive a friend after a relationship break up. Each time he remembers or comes in contact with the person there is still the pain and wound within. He knows he has a problem with moving on and is asking for help. I believe he is not alone in this struggle. If we are honest we too sometimes struggle with this issue. The offender may have moved on or is not even bordered by the offense, leaving you still wounded! Are there people still holding you ransom when their names are mentioned or when you think or see them? Are we still living in our past?
The Lord's Prayer says, "Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors." (Matt. 6:12) Two verses down, Jesus says, "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." Forgiveness here seems to be conditional and tied to our forgiveness of others.
But how does one really forgive a person who have wounded us badly? Is it a one step process or will it take several steps to receive healing? Let me know some of your thoughts and how you may have found freedom in your own life in this area of forgiveness.
The Lord's Prayer says, "Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors." (Matt. 6:12) Two verses down, Jesus says, "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." Forgiveness here seems to be conditional and tied to our forgiveness of others.
But how does one really forgive a person who have wounded us badly? Is it a one step process or will it take several steps to receive healing? Let me know some of your thoughts and how you may have found freedom in your own life in this area of forgiveness.
May 14, 2010
Mother's Day 2010
We just celebrated Mother's Day. Terrence worked overtime to get this photo slides out but I forgot to download it and show it! So now you can all view it here to enjoy it! Thank God for mothers and for their sacrifice!
May 13, 2010
May 13 Prayer
Today 41 years ago was a black mark in our nation's history. So it was really interesting (not coincidence but "God-incidence") when one part of the Global Day of Prayer 2010 starts on Ascension Day, which is today (May 13), ten days of prayer before Pentecost Sunday (May 23) - the main Global Day of Prayer, followed by ninety days of blessing. Let us be part of this global movement to pray together for our community, nation and world and release God's power and blessing. Below is a summary of the prayer items. For the full resource please visit
Day 1: Revive - Our Father who is in heaven...
Day 2: Reveal - ..sanctify Your name...
Read Joel 2:12-14 - A Call to RETURN
Day 3: Rule - ...May Your kingdom come...
Day 4: Transform - ...and may Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven...
Read Joel 2:15-17 - A Call to GATHER
Day 5: Provide - ...Give us this day our daily bread...
Day 6: Forgive - ...Forgive us our sins...
Read Joel 2:18-22 - A Call to HOPE
Day 7: Reconcile - we forgive those who sin against us..
Day 8: Lead - ...And lead us not into temptation...
Read Joel 2:23-27 - A Call to CELEBRATE
Day 9: Overcome - ...but deliver us from evil...
Day 10: Glorify - ...for Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen
Read Joel 2:28-32 - A Call to REVIVAL
Day 1: Revive - Our Father who is in heaven...
Day 2: Reveal - ..sanctify Your name...
Read Joel 2:12-14 - A Call to RETURN
Day 3: Rule - ...May Your kingdom come...
Day 4: Transform - ...and may Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven...
Read Joel 2:15-17 - A Call to GATHER
Day 5: Provide - ...Give us this day our daily bread...
Day 6: Forgive - ...Forgive us our sins...
Read Joel 2:18-22 - A Call to HOPE
Day 7: Reconcile - we forgive those who sin against us..
Day 8: Lead - ...And lead us not into temptation...
Read Joel 2:23-27 - A Call to CELEBRATE
Day 9: Overcome - ...but deliver us from evil...
Day 10: Glorify - ...for Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen
Read Joel 2:28-32 - A Call to REVIVAL
Showing Love
Last Sunday for the Mother's Day message I had talked about the importance of building storge or family love. This love speaks of nurturing, empathy, compassion and affection. Our ability to receive and give love depends on developing a healthy relationship which starts in the early years of our life when our mothers show love through affectionate touch, eye contact and the tone of their voice. When a child experiences these sufficiently it gives them a sense of security and trust which ultimately affects their relationship with God. It is hard to trust others, let alone God when we do not receive unconditional love. As a result many of us suffer as adults in our relationship with others and with God. We find love in all sorts of things and people, thinking that it will give us fulfillment. But often go away disappointed and disillusioned when our needs are not met.
Is this your experience? Are you struggling to show intimacy and affection to others and God? I believe that we can be healed. God's Word and His love have provided for our every need. Only He alone can truly bless us and meet our need for love. We are not to become victims if our own parents fail us because they could only give what they had received themselves. Let us learn to let go the false and counterfeit love for the genuine and unconditional love of Christ.
As we received God's love, let us love one another. Let us learn to communicate that love generously to others with the loving touch, looks and words!
Ps. Ben
Is this your experience? Are you struggling to show intimacy and affection to others and God? I believe that we can be healed. God's Word and His love have provided for our every need. Only He alone can truly bless us and meet our need for love. We are not to become victims if our own parents fail us because they could only give what they had received themselves. Let us learn to let go the false and counterfeit love for the genuine and unconditional love of Christ.
As we received God's love, let us love one another. Let us learn to communicate that love generously to others with the loving touch, looks and words!
Ps. Ben
May 4, 2010
Coincidence or Divine Appointment?
Have you ever had an experience or encounter when you meet people whom you would least expect to see? Is it just merely coincidence or is it a divine appointment? I had two such encounters recently in my trip to Australia. First I met a man who was my cousin's school friend. He was introduced as a friend of my friend! But when we talked some more we could trace back some common links! The second incident took place right in the streets of Melbourne. I was walking about trying to find my way in the city and then I met an old friend and sister in Christ. What a pleasant surprise! The last time we met was at a wake a few months ago. We were only able to make light conversations. We are all too busy to come around to meeting each other and talk matters of the heart. So sometimes the Lord chooses to arrange for us meetings to remind us. These meetings could be opportunities to encourage and serve. Who knows our paths may never cross again? Let this prayer, which I am learning to pray, be yours each day: "Lord, lead me today to someone whom I can serve." You could well be surprised with how the Lord may arrange your appointments! Enjoy them.
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