In recent news there was a man who was pronounced dead by doctors was "resurrected" to life. But he remained in coma and eventually died. He experienced what is called the "Lazarus effect". Another story is of a spiritual leader from India who could perform miracles and worshiped by his followers including the rich and powerful. He became ill and on Resurrection Sunday passed away. Some expect him to return in a future reincarnation just as he believed he was a reincarnation of another holy man. None of these men will rise again to tell us their stories. Sin has condemned us all to death.
But can the dead rise again? Yes! Jesus proved it by resurrecting from the dead and showed proof to His disciples. The one who is the Resurrection and the Life has now promised to all who believe in Him that death need not be the end. There is life eternal awaiting us all who put their hope in Jesus Christ.
Christ is risen and Christ will come again!
Pr. Ben
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