March 18, 2013

New Members for 2013

Recently we welcomed officially seven new members to the church. It's been a while since we had any such ceremony to receive members. We like to thank them for their desire and commitment to identify with us as a family and to serve together for the glory of God. Please continue to pray for them and for others that the Lord may choose to add in the future.

March 12, 2013

Easter@Grace 2013

Easter or Resurrection Sunday is a very important event in the Christian calendar. It is the victory celebration of the Jesus Christ over death. Can the dead rise again? Yes! Jesus Christ did not only die like all humans will but came back to meet His disciples and proved to them that He was no ghost! We believe that He is still alive today. This year we will have our special Service on Sunday morning at 10.30 am with a special guest speaker, Mr. Jason Fong from Scripture Union.

Come join us to find out the reasons for the Christian's celebration. There is more to life than just "to eat, drink and be merry! For tomorrow we all die!" There is hope even after death!